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i love her

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hey im 16 years old and i love this girl ive known for 14 years. im a really shy guy when it comes to relationships, anyone know what i can do?


You've known her for 14 years but are 16? Ummm she's not your sister is she, if so I'd stay away from that one! :laugh: I say tell her, she may be weak and sleep with you a few weeks later. :sick:

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hey im 16 years old and i love this girl ive known for 14 years. im a really shy guy when it comes to relationships, anyone know what i can do?


Ask the girl out, she will either say no or yes. If she says no, that is the worst thing that can happen to you. Don't be afraid. Ask.

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Yeah, I say go for it too! If you guys have known each other your whole childhood, then I don't think it will ruin the friendship or anything. The worst that can happen is she says no way and you feel hurt for a while. Good luck!:)

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Ya man, at that age its pretty easy. She'll probably say yes. Girls at that age are in love with the idea of having a boyfriend. They see it on tv and read about it in magazines. You have like a 90% success rate.


And you know what. If for some reason it dosnt work out and she says no:


a) you gained some experience.

b) faced your fears and got a bit stronger

c) you'll never ever fell regret later on in life by thinking, what would have happened if i had asked her. You'll know.


And the best part is if it does work, all three of those things you'll still get ;)



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