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Question for Women who show cleavage

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I'm a man and this is a question for women who like to wear or who have worn tops that reveal cleavage. Right now, I follow Jerry Seinfeld's rule that it's like looking at the sun..quick peek and look away. And I try not to get caught, unless of course I'm being seduced, in which case I oblige by looking appreciatively.


But really, if you are showing cleavage do you like it when you catch men looking or does it bother you. I'm not talking about cavemen who practically bury their face in your chest, or men who converse with your cleavage rather than your face. Just guys who can't help but steal a glance.

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Here's my opinion on the subject. If a woman wears a low-cut top and push-up bra and is showing cleavage -- and I KNOW women look in the mirror at themselves before they leave the house -- then they have to know they're showing cleavage and they must expect that men are going to look at it. I can't speak for all women, but I don't dress like that unless I'm expecting and wanting people to look, with the caveat that you gave in your post. In other words, no drooling. :)

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Thanks for the feedback. I just wanted to know what the average girl/woman though about this point.


I mean, I know when Catherine-Zeta-Jones gets up on the Oscar stage with her magnificent breasts literally spilling out of her glorious chest then she certainly does want people to admire.


But that's not the same thing as for example, if I go to the bank, and the teller is showing a bit of breast and I get caught looking. That's where I'm not sure how the lady feels.


At least from the replies so far, it seems as though I'm welcome to take tasteful glances and then I guess I shouldn't feel bad if I get caught looking. As you might guess from what I've said so far I think breasts are pretty high up on the list of the wonders of nature.

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It would seem logical that if a female wears clothing that allows certain attributes to be accented and/or viewed she is desiring those attributes to be noticed. Otherwise, it's just too easy to cover things up.


Thousands of women each month don't get breast implants so their future babies can more easily identify the eating establishment. They want to look better, feel better and be noticed.

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Ah Clancy, my boy, you will always be caught looking. Discrete or not - we women have this kind of radar that catches a man's oggles no matter how fleeting. How do we feel? No biggy.


I don't know if the theory that women have greater peripheral vision which means that we can oggle without moving our heads whereas men have a narrower field of vision which means they have to move their heads (sometimes their entire bodies) in order to visually follow a double D bouncing down the central aisle of the bus at rush hour and thus get caught (and dug in the ribs by their girlfriends), but bottom (no punn intended for the leg and butt guys out there) line is both men and women will oggle each other, always have always will, it's just men will get caught and blush and stutter and women will act all holier than thou and scream political incorrectness while mentally chalking up the glances to boost their egos on bad hair days.


Revealing clothing and sexually provocative dress are worn for a reason but if you are a true breast man you would probably notice a nice pair under a modest collar in a nicely cut Channel suit so continue to keep in mind that (an attempt at) discretion and respect is the order of the day with all women. I don't spend my day contemplating the pulling power of my chest but if I catch a guy looking I'm reminded of the wonder of the breast and gods other great invention - peripheral vision.




Does anyone know if 'oggle' is a word? I think I just invented a word!

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Main Entry: [1]ogle

Pronunciation: 'O-g&l also 'ä-

Function: verb

Inflected Form(s): ogled; ogling /-g(&-)li[ng]/

Etymology: probably from Low German oegeln, from oog eye; akin to Old High German ouga eye —more at EYE

Date: 1682

intransitive senses

: to glance with amorous invitation or challenge

transitive senses

1 : to eye amorously or provocatively

2 : to look at especially with greedy or interested attention

- ogler /-g(&-)l&r/ noun

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Our work shirts have a v neck. It shows clevage and occasionally I have a few guys at work talk to my breasts instead of me. My reply is simply "Dude, my eyes are up here!"


Now it doesn't really bother me, I tell the guys what I think if they go too far. I would prefer my b/f look at my breasts but men are men and will look no matter what, so why not give em a look, as long as they don't touch.

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my view: I feel flattered if a guy glances at my cleavage but not oogle too long. Of course, I would be happier if the guy is the charming and attractive type!! :D

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Hey Neonink, I guess I ignored the obvious fact you point out (what cleavage?). When it comes to ogling at breasts I peek at what I can see and cleavage is so, "there".


But as I pointed out earlier I really, really like breasts and while because of oedipal issues I do like large and hefty breasts I also have adored the smaller versions. One of my favorite girlfriends had these itty bitty ones that I just loved to kiss. And not much is sexier than two little perky ones showing under a T-shirt. So, while my question does focus on cleavage the question really does extend to all breasts.

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It all depends on how good a girl feels about herself,and her confidence level.


I am five feet tall and I, to put it politely (and to leave some thoughts to the imagination for Gods sake) fill out my t-shirt a little too well. Have done since I was about 13. Being a teenager is hard enough without having eye-popping boobs to deal with.

It was intimidating, I got stared at in the shops, one guy even purposefully elbowed me. I wore sweatshirts in the summer. I turned 21 last year and suddenly felt like, why bother anymore? every woman's got 'em after all.

The whole swinsuit at the beach thing is next on my list of things to conquer. :)

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LOLOLOL! You reminded me of something that happened years and years ago when my husband and I were dating.


I was wearing a dress with a very deep neckline because we were going out to a dressy restaurant. My husband and I were conversing through the door (I was still getting dressed and he was waiting for me) and we were talking about a "A Tale of Two Cities" and I walked out just as he was saying the name of the book and he looked at me and said "A Tale of Two Titties"


He turned red and I laughed 'till I almost peed! I got the reaction I wanted.

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