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Juggalo Homie

Hello, My name is Alex i have been going out with my girlfriend for about 4 1/2 months now and summer is coming up and my g/f mentions that she doesnt like having relationships in the summer because she wont see me as much, and is afraid she will cheat on me, in her previous relationship that was really bad and she did nothing with him in the summer and she ended up cheating on him and i heard about this and i dont know if i should be nervous about this or not Are relationship is tons better than her last and i will talk and see her more to., so do i have any reason to worry about her cheating at all, or would you say my relationship will be as good as it always has. thank you for your time


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DUH!!! You have a hell of a lot of reason to be concerned. This lady has done something very few do. She has put you on notice that she will probably see other people during the summer. She does not want to have a committed relationship on her hands so she will feel bad like she did previously.


Let her go and never take her back. Despite the fact that she is unusually honest about her intentions, what guy wants a female who will cheat on him so easily???


Yeah, I know you didn't want to hear this. Well, ignore my advice and get ready for your heart to be ripped apart. This girl wants a summer fling(s) and she's trying to tell you in the only way she knows how.

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