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What is he up to?

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Guys..my feelings towards this guy is going way overboard..but am not sure what he had in his mind...


I knew this guy around a month ago..in his workplace..as time goes by..everytime he saw me he will came over and have a little chat..and we have heaps of eye contact..sometimes i felt that he's trying to lock my gaze towards his eyes..and it last for a few seconds until i turned away..


I always went with a friend..and one time we asked him out for drinks..and he did come along..even after 8 hours straight of work..we chatted a little..and in the end he asked for our MSN..he rides a sport bike and he wanted to take me for a ride..I said am too scared to ride..mm..maybe he felt that am not that interested after all...SO WRONG!


There is one day my friend go by herself..I wasn't there..and the second day when I saw him online..he said that..yesterday you weren't there..and he said he was in another section working yesterday..and where he will be tonight....


Whenever I met him he will always act funny and made me laugh..:p..And sometimes when I juz saw him a day ago..the next day he saw me..he will said..hey..long time no see..I felt a little weird tho..thought he's doing that by purpose...


He did asked me quite a lot of questions..like what I study..do I work..what I like to do normally..and he talks about himself a little...one time I told him that I realise that he gain weight..he looked at me and have sort of a shine came through his eyes..and he said..yeah..i gain a kilo ...He keep asking me to apply a job in his workplace ...I said they are not going to hire me..and he said that..come on..work here..


well..he knew that am currently in my exam period..and he asked did I finished my exam yet twice...am not sure whether that meant that he's going to ask me out or something?


I am not sure what he's thinking in his mind...but I do like him alot...what should I do? wait?

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Well that story was a bit disjointed tiffany, but i think i got the gist of it. I think he likes you.


Before we get to that, one piece of advice. Dont go work somewhere because you like a guy. I mean ...do i even have to say anymore?


Ok, heres what you do next time you see him or see him online tell him you feel like a coffee and ask if he'd like to come.


Its a green light plus offers plausible denighablity if you freak out or if you decide you dont like him. Plus it can be taken as a first date by him and gives him the opportunity to make a second arrangement with you for like a dinner some other night or whatever.


And you dont have to be scared, because you are in a public place.



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