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I have a number of photos of ex-wives and ex-girlfriends as well as pictures from vacations and trips I have taken with some of these ladies. Each time a new lady comes into my life the collection grows and I find myself wondering which and how many of the old pictures to keep. Over the years I have thrown many away.


No one has ever given me any grief over this collection but I also don't just leave them lying around. In fact, I don't remember ever showing some of them to anyone. None of these pictures are in compromising positions, but some do indicate some affection. ;)


I periodically wonder if I want to continue to keep the ones I still have. I am wondering how everyone else handles this. Do you keep pictures of past loves? If so, for how long and where do you keep them? Do you show or let new loves see these old pictures?

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i don't think it's wise to let yr new loves see these pictures. my view: dump them but if you want to keep them, make sure yr new love don't dig them out.

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Flower said it right. Sort these old photos out and save a minimum number. Put the in a sealed box in a place they won't be dug up. They are part of your past that you may want to recall someday...but not while you are in a relationship.


Very often, holding on to old photos like this...particularly those which include certain past lovers...is part of an inability to let go of the past. If there is a particular one you just can't let go of emotionally, toss all the pictures. That's a great start for erasing the past, healing and getting into the present.

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I think it's just fine to keep your photos so long as you are living in your own place. But if/when you ever decide to move in with your new girlfriend, I'm afraid you'll have to let go and toss them...sorry. :(


Unfortunately, there's just some "baggage" you won't be able to take with you. No woman (or man) wants the memory of an ex-lover moving into their home.

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