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Teen night at night clubs

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My b/f is able to work a side job at clubs as a bouncer type position to just stand there and make sure no fights break out..he definitely doesnt have the big bouncer type look but its extra cash.


It makes me very uneasy about a guy working at a bar/club..he said he thinks i am being unreasonable but he can see where i might be coming from and he can see why it could be worrisome--but he thinks he should be able to do the "teen" nights at clubs.


I know my b/f is well over age--obviously he isnt going to pick up some teen but i still feel jealous because i know alot of these so called teen nights do get raunchy..i have even saw one thing on television where they had undercover people come in and they saw girls come in one way and change in the bathroom into really slutty clothes and even take part in sexual acts.


Teen nights at clubs mostly end early correct? they dont end at 3am like a regular night at a club?


Is it wrong i feel this way even about the teen nights he would be attending or is this a good compromise?



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Don't sweat it Sungrl, just check the back seat of his car for an extra shirt. No shirt, no problem... if you find a shirt .... well you know what that means.

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if not working on teen nights is preventing him from making the money that he wants, then you should let him do it. if he works all the time that he wants then i'd pick a different night to make him stay home (ladies night perhaps?)

honestly, teens can be just as dirty as adults. think about it. the teens won't even be drunk! if they flirt with your bf then it's all just a game, though most teens don't even see bouncers as people, especially if they're really big, tall and appear older. plus any professional bouncer ignores all advances, they see the types that go in and out of clubs all the time, and they aren't usually the highest quality of people.


i think teen nights would be perfectly "safe"! you shouldn't worry and you shouldn't tell him to not go, it shows your insecurity and insecurity isn't attractive.

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