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Want my Ex-Boyfriend back

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So my boyfriend and I have been broken up for a few months, but the only thing is, is that we never quit talking or seeing eachother. We still talk on the phone, and see eachother several times a week. We also are still romantic. My only problem is that we're not together. Is there anyway that I can get him back? If so, how? Thanks for that can help me!

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I get the impression that he continues to see you because he's got nobody else right now and he knows you're willing. He will likely stop once he begins seeing another woman.


If you want him back, then refuse to see him in any other way but as friends, and certainly not several times a week. Make yourself scarce. Tell him it's all or nothing because you can't heal while you still have the illusion of a relationship that has ended.


If he wants to be with you, he will make it "official" and give the relationship another shot. If he doesn't, he might walk away entirely and you will finally be able to move on.



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So true! He is probably still seeing you because he has yet to find your replacement! Sad but true! I would without a doubt make myself scarce. I would act as if your over the break-up and have moved on. Go out with your freinds, make some new ones. Be seen out with members of the opposite sex. Men are attracted to things that they feel are out of their reach. So become that un-obtainable thing. Make absolutly no gestures to suggest your intrest in him. let him know your happy with your life, appear confident...you'll have him begging to be with you in no time flat! Then you can consider his invitation for reconsiliation..lol By then you may have met someone even more wonderful then he....so the ball will be in your court, and your decision to make! Good luck!

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Heartbrokes.......thanks for your advice i will try it and let you know how it goes...i appreciate it so much i was stuck between a rock and a hard place!

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