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just wanna say a few words..

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hi everyone..

i feel frustrated and a little angry. i am yet to understand why it is that everytime i want to be with someone..things never work out. i'm 20 and i've never been in a serious relationship. its either bad timing, rejection or just plainly no prospects.

right now...its yet another one of those good old bad timing thingys.. you like so n so.. you click really well...b4 you know it you're falling...and so is so n so... bt then - aha - u sit back and think...she's not gonna be here studying forever! she's going back for good in 6 months....why bother going any further.. yah..it sucks. not often i get the attention of someone special....and when i do...there isn't any long-term potential. it eats you up this sorta ****e. its like hitting a chip and watching it roll true to the hole.....but you don't get to see it go in. again and again. auto replay. dammit. why does love have to be so hard to find?

i guess the best things are never easy nor quick...... but to 'be just friends'? again? once again? another girl..another cut. she doesn't know yet.... and i don't know how to tell her.. i'm falling big time.. but i know long-distance isn't my forte.... too much opportunity for a cock up. what do you do? what would you do? same as me i guess...stop wasting time and go find someone else. time will heal the cut..better to abandon now than suffer a painful break-up later for the both of us. dammit.

love sucks........not.


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if you're REALLY into this girl, you won't break up with her now, just because she's moving away in 6 months. first of all, you'll look for a way to stay together. second of all, things may get sour before the 6 months is over. third of all, you could do long distance until you graduate, and then you can move.


i just wanted to say that while it's all not easy, when you're REALLY into someone, and they reciprocate, you don't let go, no matter what.


as a side note, 20 seems too young to settle down anyway. date people, sure, but why look for an LTR?


good luck,


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