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Ive been dating this guy for almost 5 months, getting into the relationship I knew he had a daughter...........and with a daughter involved comes the mother of the child........Im fine with the whole thing with his daughter, she is a great kid and likes me........We are getting so much closer..........but my problem is the ex (wife) and her parents........they are always over his house (he has his daughter all week and every other weekend) now the family sees her every day.......with picking up and dropping his daughter at school...........but the one day they popped over and was eating dinner over..........when we had plans.........he didnt know what to do........since it involved his daughter Am I overreacting on being mad and upset........I told him about it.........and he said he will have a talk with th em......To be you would think they would have common sense to realize that he hasent been with there daughter for 3 years........and that he has his own life now

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I dont think you are overreacting, and next time they just show up like that, tell them to leave, that you have plans. How are they working thier custody? Obviously it is a fairly open custody plan if they are just showing up whenever. But if not, they are obviously interfering with your lives, and that can be brought to the courts, especially if it is messing things up at home, and seems to be interfering with his daughters life. But by no means are you overreacting, hedoesnt seem to know how to act becuase of the fact taht THEY ARE his daugters family as well. Talk to the ex in laws, remind them that they ARE ex's, and there are custody laws to abide by. That is my two cents, somone else may have something better to say. Hope it works out for you

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Thanks for the advice......I just didnt want it to seem like I was jealous.......At the time.....the ex and family were over....I was still at home.....but he knows now that it bothered me,,,,and is going to fix it......I do understand her mother....will always be in the picture and thats fine to a point...... but the family invited themselves over for dinner thats a diff. story.....The ex seems like she is allready there.....the one time I was over....she was dropping something off for his daughter....and just sat there eating there left over dinner.... He was mad to......but didnt want to start something in front of his daughter (7 years old)

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