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why is my Boyfriend dragging his feet with his divorce?

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We've been together three years. He has been separated for three years. He claims he is "working" on the divorce but two years has gone by and he's still not divorced. He claims he doesn't know why he is dragging his feet with this. He also claims he does not want to be with his ex. Neither he or she are pushing for it. Should I be worried? Should i give him an ulitmatum? I'm in no hurry to be married to him. i'm not pressuring him for that. He and his ex have a great friendship, and i am bothered that he won't make it official. Whats up?

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Sounds like he's just lazy...


I don't have any experience with divorces myself, but they sound like hassle. If there's no pressure on any side to get it done, it's easy to delay it.

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