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Looking at other girls

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I have a question for the girls and guys of this forum: if your boyfriend looks at other girls yet he still tells you he loves you, should you believe him? My friend says that if someone really loves you, he wouldn't be looking at other girls because by looking at other girls that means he is considering his options.

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I think it depends on the way he looks at the other girls, which I know is very hard to analyze. If he looks just because she is in a skimpy outfit, gorgeous, and vibrant...well, he is human afterall, and if I was a guy I'd probably look too. But, if he habitutally does it to many different types of woman, to the point he is looking at the other women instead of paying attention to what you are saying on a frequent basis, then I think a woman has reason to worry.

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I had my b/f tell me the other night that he went out drinking and decided to look at every single girl he saw and compare them with me. He says I won, that, and he came home to me that night.


I think if they actively (and regulaly) look at other women then you have a problem. If it is just a matter of 'noticing' a beautiful women and he loves you then there shouldn't be an issue.


He should only want to look at you I say, but that doesn't mean if he looks at other women that he doesn't love me, nor is he going to cheap

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my view: I think it is fine and normal for guys to notice exceptionally beautiful ladies so long it is not excessive and he loves you. Trust comes with love. :)

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  • 11 months later...

Looking at other girls does not mean he does not love you.

It just means he lacks good manners.


There are different ways to notice a beautiful woman.

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I reckon its fine, not an issue. It is in a mans nature to oggle other women. I'd think nothing of it but if it really is a problem for you mention it to him. Don't accuse him cos that would just make him angry and upset that you don't trust him. just slip it into a conversation where appropriate, don't MAKE him change tho. Just let him know it hurts you so that if he is tempted again he might think first. i hope that helps? :)

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i think its normal...girls look too...so its perfectly normal...hell my ex used to do it all the time

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Originally posted by angel_eyes2

I have a question for the girls and guys of this forum: if your boyfriend looks at other girls yet he still tells you he loves you, should you believe him? My friend says that if someone really loves you, he wouldn't be looking at other girls because by looking at other girls that means he is considering his options.



Appreciating beauty is not evil. Everyone looks in appreciation at other people now and again. If you are in a relationship you must trust that your partner will do the right thing, and not break that trust. Looking is not "considering your options", and looking is not being unfaithful.

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I believe men, just like women, like to feel... attractive. And sometimes to act upon it: flirt, give looks, feel sexy etc. I think it happenes no matter if you're in a relationship or not: the need for recognition of "this" quality.


What's different is how one reacts upon this urge to "conquer" new territories. Do they care enough to stop the selfish impulse or do they go ahead no matterwho they hurt just for the fun of it? On the other side, Remember that there are men who love to see that their girlfriend getting lots of attention from other men, and there are also women who feel the same about men. It can go either way.


It's a game and the rules are different from couple to couple.


Just remeber thet only because someone made his pick, doesn't mean he's not allowed to look at the menu anymore :o !

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My boyfriend and I aren't "in love" yet so we don't say I love you, but are feelings are very intense and real for each other. Should I be more worried about my guys wandering eyes?

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