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dating etiquette

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i might've asked this question before but I don't remember the answer, so here it goes...


if I let a guy pay for me ... does that indicate my interest? am i basically giving him green light to pursuing me?


i'm not sure what to do with guys who I go out with just for fun, knowing I don't REALLY like them, but like them enough to spend an evening with them now and then... i don't wanna lead them on by letting them pay, but i also feel silly arguing about it because hey - it is a date.


it's very odd because of cultural differences - in my culture, men pay normally, even if it's just two buddies going somewhere.





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YOU ASK: "if I let a guy pay for me ... does that indicate my interest? am i basically giving him green light to pursuing me?"


Not at all. If a guy expects something in return for buying dinner for a lady, he's not worth your time. People and their interest aren't for sale...can't be bought or sold.


I would say that if you got into a habit of having a particular male buy your dinner or pay your way here and there, then that would either indicate you have an interest or that you were using him. But if there was no associated romance and he continued to pay, I think he would be somewhat abnormal.


If anybody ever asks for something in return for their kindness, tell them to kiss your butt!!!

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OK, that makes total sense. I wouldn't get into a habit of going out with somebody I didn't like, and here-n-there is no big deal.


I always offer to pay half, anyway... OK, problem solved. Thanks Tony =)



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