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What are you getting your spouse for Xmas?

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I'm always soooo stuck when it comes to getting his ~~ he's SO hard to buy for cause when I ask him what he wants he just says "there's nothing I want, and if there is, then I'll go out and buy it myself anyway" ~ :mad::confused::rolleyes:


I've been looking into getting him one of those in car DVD / Stereo type things ~ but I actually dont know ~ I get so friggin' stressed out about it all ~ it makes me dread christmas and his birthday's ~ Swine :mad::laugh:

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I'll tell you what..

I bought a Ryobi Airgrip Procross Laser to layout vertical stripes that I was painting on the baby's room walls and I would think that any guy who is into tools would love this laser.


I have quite a few lasers and this one is hot... it has a battery operated vacume base that keeps it stuck to the wall and then you can adjust the lasers from there..

I think it is like 70$

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I bought my hubby an Xbox360, plus afew games to go with it. I'm in the process of getting hockey tickets for him as well. Oh and ofcourse the usual: Socks and underwear, and afew other little gifts, plus whatever else ends up in his stocking.

I got mine a PS3 and a game so far. He told me all he wants is a rare CD off of ebay. So i plan on trying to get him that as well.


I think i want to get him one of those nice thick long terry cloth robes with a hood as well. They are so cozy and warm, and all he has is a fleece one that pretty useless, because it doesn't soak up water after a shower. ;)

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ideally, a gun safe. Because I hate the thought of those damned things hidden under the washcloths in the bathroom or on the closet shelf when they should be properly stored!


will also stock up on new chonies for him :laugh:

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I hope I can still chime in even though I don't have a spouse! I am getting my parents a designer watch each with the same design - the his and hers collection. I still haven't shopped for my siblings! XBox360 sounds nice for my brother and for my sister... maybe a boyfriend! :laugh:

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Hey I'm all mixed up... I thought, when I read another post of yours, that you were a guy... then this one... :confused:


um...what made you think i was a guy?

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For those of you giving some kind of gaming device, watch this. It is hilarious. My brother, a long term gamer, found this.



TP, if you're reading this thread, I think you would especially enjoy this.

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For those of you giving some kind of gaming device, watch this. It is hilarious. My brother, a long term gamer, found this.



TP, if you're reading this thread, I think you would especially enjoy this.



Oh My God-LMAO!! That's awesome!! Unfortunately, I can completely relate!


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:laugh: I've seen it before but always laugh. Great clip, Story.


If he was really smooth, he would have said:


"I'm collecting these gold coins to buy "you" the armour". :love:

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Oh My God-LMAO!! That's awesome!! Unfortunately, I can completely relate!


Yes, the funny part of it is how true to life it is. I'm sure my bro' has said some of these exact things to his fiance.


I love the part where he asks her to move out of the way because he can't see the screen. And when he says to turn the lights down low b/c it makes him feel like he's in a spaceship.

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A wife that buys her hubby an X box 360 is like a wife who watches football with her hubby in my book!! That or fishes with him! That is oneeeeeeeee lucky man right there....

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A wife that buys her hubby an X box 360 is like a wife who watches football with her hubby in my book!! That or fishes with him! That is oneeeeeeeee lucky man right there....




I only watch the last 5 minutes of a football game, though I will watch some of the SuperBowl. And, we did watch abit of the Grey Cup (CFL) last weekend. To be honest, we're both hockey fans though..


Now I wonder what he's going to get me..I know he'll definately buy me my favourite perfume.

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We agreed to not get each other anything for xmas since we kind of already gave each other our gifts. We're almost done re-doing our guest bath, dining room, living room and kitchen. This involved lots and lots of painting (almost done), all new lighting, new faucets, new appliances, new kitchen floor, etc. etc. So that's pretty much our present to each other. We're really excited about it. Things are looking really good and we'll be done well before Xmas...yippeee!

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Citizen Erased

I bought my boyfriend an XBox 360 last year for Christmas... and now I'm buying him another one! :rolleyes: The last one got the stupid red ring of death thingo on it, and my darling boyfriend had thrown out the receipt so we couldn't return it :mad:


But I guess now he gets the Elite one so eh :p

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I bought my boyfriend an XBox 360 last year for Christmas... and now I'm buying him another one! :rolleyes: The last one got the stupid red ring of death thingo on it, and my darling boyfriend had thrown out the receipt so we couldn't return it :mad:


But I guess now he gets the Elite one so eh :p

Did you watch the Youtube, Coco? They are Aussies.

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Did you watch the Youtube, Coco? They are Aussies.


I'll download it but it will take about 30 mins before I can see it...grrrr. Is it really worth it though? Will I understand what the heck they're saying? Some of these Aussie accents are so strong to my ear that it's like they're speaking another language!:laugh:

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They're singing, but don't kill yourself over it. What's up with your connection? Mine is finally humming along. Maybe I will figure out the lyrics and post them. They are really funny.

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They're singing, but don't kill yourself over it. What's up with your connection? Mine is finally humming along. Maybe I will figure out the lyrics and post them. They are really funny.


You have cable though now, right? Cable is so good! I have mobile dial-up. I like the freedom of being able to take my laptop anywhere and having internet access but it IS slower than cable. It's not great for downloading youtube and other streaming media.


Yes, if you can post the lyrics that would be great. I'm so curious now.

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Citizen Erased
Did you watch the Youtube, Coco? They are Aussies.


Nope, I'll have to wait til I get home, my work computer's speakers aren't working :eek:


I'll download it but it will take about 30 mins before I can see it...grrrr. Is it really worth it though? Will I understand what the heck they're saying? Some of these Aussie accents are so strong to my ear that it's like they're speaking another language!:laugh:


:laugh: Maybe they should have subtitles :p

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Your posts #13 and 15 in the thread 'Should feel like a jerk' :)


haha, okay, i'll have to read them again and see what i've said in a manly manner. sorry for the confusion...all female here!


(sorry for the short hijack, had to clear up a gender bender!)

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Nope, I'll have to wait til I get home, my work computer's speakers aren't working :eek:




:laugh: Maybe they should have subtitles :p


Yes, they should! I swear. I don't know what they're saying half the time. But is your accent more British or Aussie?

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