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can't get her out of my head

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After being broken up with this girl that I really cared about and was in love with I can't seem to get her out of my head. Everything I do reminds me of her. Even if I just watch t.v. something will remind me of her. I've tried to go out with my guy friends to just hang out and even gone out with some girls that I'm friends with to see if I can stop thinking about her, but when I'm with them all I can think about is how I wish she was there with me. I thought things would be different after I graduated and wouldn't see her everyday but now I'm just depressed that I can't see her. We said we'd keep in touch and be friends which would be fine with me, but I haven't seen or heard from her for almost 2 weeks and I'm already a mess. Does anyone have any advice on how to stop thinking about her?

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here's my plan for you:

1 - don't stay friends. no contact from now on. no email, no phone, nothing. tell her you need time to get over her and move on, if she asks. then ask her to kindly not contact you in any way.


2 - from then, it'll just take time. been there, believe me. i've been where everything i saw and did reminded me of someone i wanted to be with and couldn't. but after a month, it became less unpleasant; after several months, i only thought about him once a week; after half a year, almost every day again; after a year - almost never. - you get the drift - it'll get better and worse, but you'll heal in the end!


good luck,



PS if you have photos or gifts lying around, get rid of them.

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I understand what all of you are telling me to do, but there's a slight catch. I'm friends with her sister. I know I lost her but I don't want to stop being friends with her sister. She's one of my really good friends.

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either isolate the sister - i.e. see her outside w/out your ex, ask her not to mention the ex, etc. ; or put the friendship on hold - if she's such a good friend, she'll understand and want you to heal.


good luck


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