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Sharp Belly Button Pain!

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For the last five years about 2-3 times a year I get severe stomach pains. Usually it happens when I go to stand up or stretch or do a sudden movement, like kick my feet up on the couch, I will get this very sharp pain right above my bely button. My belly button is already very sensative, if you poke it I get a pain thet radiates down to my vagina.


The pain generally feels like something is tearing inside me or that someone stabbed me then dragged the knife right down the middle from my belly button down.


The first time it happened I was curled up and could not sit up straight or the pain would come back and it hurst A LOT when I pee. The pain will last any where from 2 hours to 2 days. I have gone to the ER twice for it and the first time the doctor said I had ovarian cysts the second doctor thought it was kidney stones. They did the tests for both, I had an internal ultra sound, x-rays, etc and nothing comes back. In fact I never really got a follow up so I assumed everything was fine.


My only concern is that it is reacurring and very painful.


Hand anyone has an issue like this, if so what was the out come. I know I need to see a doctor and that is my next step.



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I have no idea what it could be, but definately keep going to the DR so they can find out what is going on. Don't give up either, even if they tell you things are fine -Obviously things aren't fine at all. It isn't normal to have such pain like that.

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