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Marriage Over?

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My husband and I met 13 years ago. I was pregnant shortly theeafter. We were married when our son was one and one half, and later had two more children. He is an alcoholic but is now trying to stop drinking. We have also shared our bed with another man before (more than one) and he seemed to enjoy it more than i. He has told me before while being drunk that he is bi or gay. He now (sober) says it was a phase and that he is not, but continues to act on this when drinking. I am somewhat embarrassed by this ( he has hit on family) and I don't believe I love him the way that I am supposed to. I resent the fact that he has wanted to share me and has "made" me share myself with his friends, he says he regrets it too now...but still. He continues to love me and is trying to everything in his power to keep me, but still, I am not happy. He only wants to touch me when he is half in the bag, and normally I don't want it then (he is way too rough), but he takes it anyway, and now I just don't care to give anything to him at all. How do I convince him It's Over and I need him to leave, that I am not in love with him. How do I get a divorce and hurt him. I love him...just not the way I should. I would leave, but three kids, nowhere to go, and I run a home business. Any help?

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Pretty simple to me......you want a divorce......you file for divorce. A judge will decide who gets what. Your hubby does not have to sign papers for a divorce to go through.


It sounds like you have been emotionally scarred by this marriage. I dont know if counseling would help.....because I do not believe any persons sexual orientation is a "phase they were going through".

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I, today, set an appointment to get some help, however if I cannot convince him to leave first, he could flip out when he gets the paper. What do I do then. I know I can divorce without his ok, but how will he react to me sneaking behind his back to get it?

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not sure how he can justify it as sneaking behind his back when he's got issues about his sexuality. Because honey, he sounds like he's trying to convince himself that he's straight when he's not. That is grounds enough for an "irreconcilable differences" divorce.


has he ever sought therapy for his issues? Have you gotten any counseling yourself? Divorce is never an easy thing, but a counselor could help you put things into focus and give you a game plan to get through this ...

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