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can shyer guys give me insight into this

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One night this guy and I flirted while tipsy. I happen to have a huge crush on him and have trouble acting like myself around him. Hes never had a girlfriend or kissed a girl. He did flirt with me and our friends encouraged it, and some people (including ones who didn’t know about my crush) said I think he likes you and such. I almost told him everything. After the party I went to his room (next door) and said “Lets talk” I think he understood I meant seriously, but chickened out and left. He went “what happened” and then left me 2 voicemails one saying “Hope you got back to your room OK Ill IM you tomorrow” and he did right away the next morning. I thought these were good signs.

But my one friend there that night told him Ive liked him since last year (he did this without asking me although he had good intentions- he wanted to play matchmaker.) He told me “he said he doesn’t have feelings for you a 1000 people meddling didn’t help” and apologized, although apparently this guy would like to be friends. we weren’t by any means close before. Im a bit mad that I had to hear this through gossip (and no my friends aren’t lying) and that he wouldn’t tell me.

The person who invited me to their hang out sessions (the friend who told me) has been acting funny towards me, Im not sure why, it might have nothing to do with me because hes been doing that to a lot of my friends too. Anyway, I don’t hang around them now.

So I never see this guy anymore except for on passing when he says hi still. Two times when he has said hi, I haven’t been doing it to be mean, but I just don’t say hi outloud back. hes not saying hi directly to me anyway. Im usually walking with other people and I look at him so its not like im ignoring him completely- I didn’t even think he’d notice. But the other day he asked my good friend randomly why when he says hi I don’t respond back so he did apparently notice. He then later a couple of days asked him “is she acting weird around you? She is with me” so hes clueless. I noticed today when my friend and I presented in front of the class he was looking away off in another direction. I just thought it was weird because when other people were presenting he focused his attention on them like you’re suppose to. I know you’ll say ask him, but things are so awkward now and I don’t see him a lot anyway. Im kinda wondering why he did all that stuff that one night and left me those messages- he was not really that drunk at all and everyone has told me he doesn’t even flirt back with girls when hes intoxicated. (I think that may be why people thought he liked me)


i am also wondering if theres a possibility he might be gay. everyone makes fun of him for it- hes a feminine guy, he does kinda talk weird and hes a cattier guy and such. hes never had a girlfriend or kissed a girl like I said, but Ive been told he has liked past girls although he never did anything about them (the past girls he has liked are apparently alot uglier than me? Im not trying to be arrogant, but alot of the girls arent that attractive and Ive been told that Im very pretty, but shouldnt that help?)

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you have a complicated situation on your hands. I personally think the best way to resolve something is to talk it out. If you really like him then go to great lengths to get his attention, if he is really shy he wont initiate anything because he is afraid of rejection. The best way to get him talking (this is what my girl did with me) is for it to be just the two of you. that way all he has to worry about is you and not a huge group of people. Just because he talks weird and is feminine doesnt make him either. I know alot of guys like that who are straight

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