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Some comments please....confused

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i like this girl, but another friend of mine also likes her. he did tell her about his feelings for her but she did not reply him even until today......so when i heard that, i gave up going after her and try to bring them both together instead.


so during that period of time, both she and i talk...about her and the guy that told her about hi feelings....and other stuffs ....about going out or whatever.....then one day she asks me what kind of girl i like so i tell her about it then she says......my description of that girl fits her........and asks what i think of her so i say she's nice and stuff.


So over a period of time we joke around and talk and then one day she told me she thinks we can 'click" like we have chemistry. So i replied by saying yeah i think so too.


Then one day she asked me go cycling.......but she doesn't have a bike...so she says to come over my place to borrow my other bike and asks me to go cycling together with her to west coast park to see the scenery there......so i was like....err....anything and told her after that go out for dunner or something and she agreed.


Then today she told me, she's waiting for that guy to ask her again.....but she says she dunno what to say, as in to say yes or no...so i ask if she's comfortable with him or not and can share most things with him or not as in thoughts and feelings or whatever ...then she says.....comfortable around him is ok......sharing thoughts and feelings with him is soso......he is a soft-spoken guy but really nice.....while she is sporty and talkative....which is why she says talking to me she feels more natural.


And she tells me she knows why until now he dun dare to ask her again coz he has no confidence, as in afraid she might reject him.


then i ask if she'll reject him and she says she doesn't know. She only said he's a nice guy.


So i ask her is it you got other people going after you so you dunno whom to chose?...or there is someone else in your mind....then she say no but shoots me back by asking me is it i like her too, so i just say she's a really nice girl with nice character and personality.......


So she asked me what does that mean and i finally replied err....nothing....then she stopped asking me that question


So problem is, am i being over sensitive by thinking she dropping hints on me or are we just friends and she's just joking and stuff like that......coz she always refer to us both as really close and good pals......but sometimes she ask me what i think of her and stuff like that.....i'm really confused......

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She could be dropping hints...or she could be looking for things to boost her ego. Simply ask her if she would be interested in dating you on a regular basis...simple as that. If she says yes, then the two of you will have to discuss how to deal with your mutual friend who also likes her.


If the two of you are interested in each other, I'm sure you can work out all the other difficulties. But these stupid verbal mind games are for the birds.

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