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What should I do

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Ok it all starts out I was talking to this girl and we ended up liking eachother I end up interducing her to a freind of mine and he ends up sweeping her away from me allthoguh he knew that I liked her.


Well about a week later he gets dumped and I finnaly don't waste anytime and get with (her after about a month which isnt a very long time to most people) but anyways she starts talking to him again saying that she still likes him and don't know who she wants to be with than finnally she dumps me because I was supposedly too parranoid over the ordeal.


Now 2 days later I ask her to give me another chance. she thinks about it for 2 days and she ends up saying no not now.


But now she is talking to my friend again and still keeping me as a friend maybe even a back up or something. I don't know what I should do I still like her alot but she is always talking to my friend now allthough they arent dating.


What should I do I am really stressed out over all this just pretty much because I have known her and liked her a long time before we got into a relationship and I also just felt like I connected with her and could talk about anything.


But now I dont know what to do I could either just forget about her and quit calling her, keep her as a freind and keep trying to get back with her, Just keep her as a friend, Or maybe beg her to take me back I really don't know please people any advice you can give me is greatly appreciated and also if it can't work out with her what are some things that could maybe help me get over her.


Zach Wood

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Why would you want a female who jerks you around like this for a friend?


Get away from her totally. You can't be a good friend to her anyway if you're interested in more.


You don't do a very good job of picking friends if a friend of yours went after this lady knowing you liked her. Just back off and go in a different direction. Life is way to short to screw around in these kinds of situations.

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I agree with Tony on this 1, but if you do decide to carry on persuing be sure not to seem to clingy or she will just think your a jerkoff or will start to use and abuse you which trust me isn't very nice. Or even better let them do what they like and just stick as a friend with both of them and if anything happens in the future enjoy it ! Who knows she might even have some friends you might be interested in if she thinks ur a nice enogh guy :)




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