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the definition for love

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Hi Christin,


Interesting question - if you have an opinion, this is the internet - go ahead and share it, that's the deal. As for definition of love -- well, the Greeks had four different words for the different kinds of love:


- Stogia for love between family members, a mothers love for her baby for example

- Philia for friendship, personal attachment

- eros, for sexual romantic love between the sexes


- agape for spiritual, love the highest kind based on godly principles


I personally feel people put too much emphasis on 'eros' and not enough on the other types of love, especially 'agapé' which allows you to love selflessly and endures beyond physical attraction and it helps people to express kindness and consideration in the hardest of circumstances (to their partners but also to all). It looks for the best but recognizes the worst and would have prevented the holocaust, genocide in Rwanda, as well as verbal and sexual abuse and any number of other problems that plague mankind.


Considering where we are though, I'm sure you were referring to romantic/sexual love which I guess is like hunger difficult to define but everyone knows when you feel it. This type of love is not always selfless, it is not always particularly intelligent, can often be confused with other strong emotions like excitement, fear or even hate but at it's best can be a springboard to friendship, marriage and best of all agapé.




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There is no real "definition" for love. Love can have many meanings to many different people. For me, love is when you see the darkest part of your partner (God knows we all have a dark side) and after all is said and done, you accept them and still love them. To me, that's love.




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