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My issues with women make me a better husband

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I have found myself becoming increasingly disgusted with men that cheat on good women and I think it is because I feel that if a man finds a rare gem he should treasure it and he should go out of his way to treat her well. Finding a good woman that appreciates a good man is a one in ten million chance these days and I feel that since I have found one of those one in ten million I will do everything to show her that I appreciate her. I know that if I ever did anything to ruin my marriage I will probably never find something like this again. A friend of my wife just recently had her husband cheat on her and she is getting the divorce papers ready. She trusted him with all her heart and he killed that trust. If you ask me he is a moron because he just ruined a great marriage for some quick action and when he starts dating the modern single women of today he will truly realize what he ruined. When something is rare you tend to appreciate it more and since I feel that most women are no good I truly do appreciate the ones with something to offer.

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You were doing fine until you reached this point.


...and since I feel that most women are no good I truly do appreciate the ones with something to offer.


This and your claim are non sequitor.


But by all means keep working on it, Woggle. There's decidedly been growth. :bunny::):bunny:

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Maybe most people in general are no good but I am seeing from a man's side. I am just glad that I don't have one of those wives that nag me constantly, treats me like I am a child and has a load of resentment against me for no good reason. I am glad that I can hang out with the guys without getting the 3rd degree and she always makes me feel appreciated. What man in his right mind would cheat on a woman like this?

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All women (and men) at times nag their spouses...It just happens but the key is not to get upset or take anything out of context.


My H complains and gets on my case about me squeezing the toothpaste tube from the middle - It really bugs the crap out of him. I can't help it, I try to remember to squeeze from the bottom, but I can't do it! So, I got fed up and now we each have our own tubes of toothpaste. Problem solved...(I know it's minor!) And I nag him as he'll eat 2 apples and leave the cores on the side table in the livingroom and not throw it out. 2 days later, they'll still be sitting there, so I throw the cores out but I make sure HE knows this too. (Not sure if this is what you think nagging is, or am I offbase here?)

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What man in his right mind would cheat on a woman like this?


The kind of man who lets his "manly bits" do the thinking for him.


Cheaters are selfish, cruel, insensitive people who have little reguard for others. I could go on a serious rant here....:cool:

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he starts dating the modern single women of today he will truly realize what he ruined. When something is rare you tend to appreciate it more and since I feel that most women are no good I truly do appreciate the ones with something to offer.



Dude, sometimes I think I have been burned in the worst way by my ex wife, but shiot... you must have had it ten times worse than me! It's been almost 3 years since my wife and I started dating. She is what you would call a modern girl I guess, college degree in chemical engineering, bought her own car, paid her own bills, etc., etc., and etc.. I am glad she speaks her mind and if something I am doing is bothering her she better say so, just like I would.


IMO, being a sexist does not make a good man. Just saying brohamlet!

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My wife is educated, has a good career and certainly pay her own way but she doesn't have that anti-male female entitlement mentality that so many modern women have. I don't expect her to cheat on me and then justify it with some emotional gobblygook.

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I have found myself becoming increasingly disgusted with men that cheat on good women and I think it is because I feel that if a man finds a rare gem he should treasure it and he should go out of his way to treat her well. Finding a good woman that appreciates a good man is a one in ten million chance these days and I feel that since I have found one of those one in ten million I will do everything to show her that I appreciate her. I know that if I ever did anything to ruin my marriage I will probably never find something like this again. A friend of my wife just recently had her husband cheat on her and she is getting the divorce papers ready. She trusted him with all her heart and he killed that trust. If you ask me he is a moron because he just ruined a great marriage for some quick action and when he starts dating the modern single women of today he will truly realize what he ruined. When something is rare you tend to appreciate it more and since I feel that most women are no good I truly do appreciate the ones with something to offer.


Woggle, since (in a way) I regard you as my opposite-sex "mirror image" I am taking to heart your post here. It really makes me feel better about humanity in general when I read things like this. To have come from where you did, and end up with such a fabulous woman (because her reflection is so obvious in your words)... maybe there IS hope yet for me to get beyond my own issues with men.


OK, I'm not going to hold my breath on that.:D:D


But anyway, I am so happy for you and your W!! and grateful you shared this with us. Thanks for this.

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This is somewhat true except a few things. You hurt your wife by calling off the engagement due to NO fault of your wife and you've mentioned thinking about leaving your wife though she hasn't done a thing wrong. Either way, I hope your views cause more and more positive experiences for you and your wife and no more negative ones. Open your mind just a tad and you'll see that there are many great women out there who love and treasure the men in their lives (fyi these are women you don't find on OW boards)

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I admit that reading and hearing about horror stories from other men about their experiences with women sometimes makes me doubt my marriage but I am working on that.


I know that many good women exist but there is a certain type of woman that is very common these days that I think men should avoid at all costs.

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I admit that reading and hearing about horror stories from other men about their experiences with women sometimes makes me doubt my marriage but I am working on that.


I know that many good women exist but there is a certain type of woman that is very common these days that I think men should avoid at all costs.


I agree with both things you said here and I generally think you're a good guy who is really trying to over some stuff. However at the same time it pisses me off when you say things like "you women can't ever truly love" when you don't even know the women you're addressing. You don't know this but my bf is respected, appreciated and loved by me to no end, he knows it, and his friends and family agree. But because I'm a woman who is in a relationship I feel that you dismiss me and assume that I'm some evil man hating b*tch.

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I agree with both things you said here and I generally think you're a good guy who is really trying to over some stuff. However at the same time it pisses me off when you say things like "you women can't ever truly love" when you don't even know the women you're addressing. You don't know this but my bf is respected, appreciated and loved by me to no end, he knows it, and his friends and family agree. But because I'm a woman who is in a relationship I feel that you dismiss me and assume that I'm some evil man hating b*tch.


I only say those things during my moments of insanity and I apologize if I have offended you. I have read your posts and I don't get a manhating vibe from you at all. I have gone a few weeks now without getting into one of my I hate all women moods so maybe I am finally getting over it.

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I only say those things during my moments of insanity and I apologize if I have offended you. I have read your posts and I don't get a manhating vibe from you at all. I have gone a few weeks now without getting into one of my I hate all women moods so maybe I am finally getting over it.


I didn't mean me specifically, I just used myself as an example because it's easy to do and makes sense.


I think you've come a long way and you're right it has been a while :) It's funny because your threads don't get to me but the last one annoyed me for some reason. I ended up forgetting about it then remembered when I saw this thread. It's no biggie but it made me feel the need to defend some of us lovely women :)

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I'm going through a bad experience right now, one of fairly long standing, with my marriage. But it doesn't make me doubt marriage in general. Nor does it make me doubt women in general.


All my marital experiences, good, bad or indifferent have to do with only ONE marriage, and only ONE woman, my wife.


There have always been certain types of women men should avoid, primarily gold diggers and those incapable of monogamy and commitment.


By the same token, there have always been certain types of men women should avoid, primarily profligate spenders, abusers and players.


So what's your point, Woggle?


You are married to a good woman so why aren't you more inclined to think good of women in general? That would be a reasonable observation based upon PERSONAL experience. Instead you let second-hand tales, hearsay and others' complaints overshadow what you're living first-hand. I just don't understand it.

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