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I am 9 months pregnant, and just found out I was cheated on

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I need some advice. My boyfriend of two years, decided now (mind you our baby is due in less than two weeks) to tell me, he slept with another girl. Not once but twice. I think even more than that. I love him so much. But I don't know what to do. We are stuck in our house together. It's horrible. He said he was sorry and it will never happen again. But I knkew he was messing around on me, I confronted him and confronted him and he still lied to me. He came home drunk last Friday at 4:30 in the morning and told me. I am at a loss as to what to do... He runs a bar and he is up there right now. How am I supposed to trust he isn't with her right now? I feel as if my world has crashed in around me.

Any words of wisdom?

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I'm sorry you're going through this. Do you work or have any money saved up? He can still be a father to your child but it doesn't mean you have to be together. What does your gut tell you you should do?

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What a horrible thing to do, and a worse time to tell you! What about relationship counseling? Right now all you should be doing is concentrating on your new baby. I am so sorry that you are going through this right now. Do you have a support system in place?

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Well the timing couldn't be worse! Of course for that to happen is never a good time, but with you due here shortly is just a real slap in the face. :mad:


Hopefully you have family/friends who can be of support to you right now while you're dealing with all of this. You'll have to make the call as to what you feel you need to do.

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This seems to always happen when their gf or wife is pg! I hate to say this but most men don't belong married. I have a MM myself but I don't even plan on marrying him. Being together would be good enough for me but I fear becoming completely dependent on him so I would never marry or get used to him doing things for me.

Most marriages are failures and just pretty much fronting a show for others! The only people you can depend on in life are yourself and if you have a deep bond with much love, your children! I want kids of my own sometime very soon but I don't want to be in the vulnerable position of carrying them on my own. I think I'd choose a surrogate or adopt.

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The truth of the matter is that men never grow up.

Sure they mature a little to an extent as some years go by, but it never gets any better than that.

They are pretty much all kids with adult bodies, penises and jobs.

If you want someone decent, try a man with integrity and honor like a marine. Maybe an intellectual or jew would do as well. Stay away from businessmen, doctors and lawyers- they all cheat like there's no tomorrow.

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The truth of the matter is that men never grow up.

Sure they mature a little to an extent as some years go by, but it never gets any better than that.

They are pretty much all kids with adult bodies, penises and jobs.

If you want someone decent, try a man with integrity and honor like a marine. Maybe an intellectual or jew would do as well. Stay away from businessmen, doctors and lawyers- they all cheat like there's no tomorrow.


Wow, so you are pretty much speaking on how you feel about ALL men in general? Well of course unless they are either a marine, an intellectual, or a jew?


So in your experience ALL businessmen, doctors and lawyers cheat?


I'm sorry you're so bitter, but you can't speak for ALL men.

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The truth of the matter is that men never grow up.

Sure they mature a little to an extent as some years go by, but it never gets any better than that.

They are pretty much all kids with adult bodies, penises and jobs.

If you want someone decent, try a man with integrity and honor like a marine. Maybe an intellectual or jew would do as well. Stay away from businessmen, doctors and lawyers- they all cheat like there's no tomorrow.


Wow, seriously weird stereotyping! Lots of "intellectuals" cheat (speaking from experience). Not so sure about Jews and marines, due to lack of field research, but come on, they're people, too. I bet there are a few cheaters in the bunch (at least!). There is no sure thing in life. It's all a bit of a crap shoot. No race/occupation is immune.

I do agree with you that some (okay, many) men have growing up issues. And from my point of view, the Irish are the worst! lol:)

To original poster, I am sorry but you just have to pull it together for you and your kid. You are not made of lace: own up to your inborn strength and do what you have to do. And call up any help that you have at your disposal.

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Sorry not too relevant to you but I've got to comment on the man bashing and the comment to chose someone like a marine.

An ex marine just stole my long term girlfriend and family away from me, he is a selfish pig who doesn't even love her or provide for her.

I am the one who provided, cared and loved and am now left with nothing.

It doesn't matter what the front is or the uniform, some of the most deceitful people in the world are in positions of power where they look great but are not and from my experience women can be even worse than men.

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I am still very much confused as to what to do. Luckly, we are starting couples counseling on Wednesday. (I am hoping the baby can wait till after the appoinment to be born) I don't know if we are going to be able to work this out. I am not sure. I am still very much afraid and vunerable to all of this. And very much confused. I am trying to stay positive. I have a very good support system. I have not told my family only because if we are trying to make this work, they will hate him for life. I have a wonderful circle of amazing friends, and I have his brothers and sisters to talk with. I am still trying to adjust to the fact we don't have the perfect relationship. Everyone thought we had the perfect relationship. I thought we were perfect. I guess this proves we aren't.

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The truth of the matter is that men never grow up.

Sure they mature a little to an extent as some years go by, but it never gets any better than that.

They are pretty much all kids with adult bodies, penises and jobs.

If you want someone decent, try a man with integrity and honor like a marine. Maybe an intellectual or jew would do as well. Stay away from businessmen, doctors and lawyers- they all cheat like there's no tomorrow.

Bitter much?


Seriously, that's the most ludicrous post I've read in a long time. Generalization after generalization after generalization. For which the members of each group you mentioned are no doubt grateful, or offended. Except perhaps Jewish doctors or Jewish lawyers, since it's not clear if you think they're all serial cheaters or not.


"All generalizations are dangerous. Especially this one."

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wow, I'd be curious to see the empirical evidence on that. I know plenty of marines who have cheated (actually most I know) and a fair amount of doctors who are faithful, keep your ignorant responses to yourself

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I need some advice. My boyfriend of two years, decided now (mind you our baby is due in less than two weeks) to tell me, he slept with another girl. Not once but twice. I think even more than that. I love him so much. But I don't know what to do. We are stuck in our house together. It's horrible. He said he was sorry and it will never happen again. But I knkew he was messing around on me, I confronted him and confronted him and he still lied to me. He came home drunk last Friday at 4:30 in the morning and told me. I am at a loss as to what to do... He runs a bar and he is up there right now. How am I supposed to trust he isn't with her right now? I feel as if my world has crashed in around me.

Any words of wisdom?




oh man i am sorry to hear..i might be pregnant and my boyfriend went out last saturday night with intentions of cheating on me, because i hung out with an ex-boyfriend about two months ago..i do not know ifi would be wiht him if he had cheated on me.. but time will heal all wounds..maybe you need some time away from him..

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