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now what? update from my last post, but still clueless

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running out of time. is he interested? is it worth it?

Is he interested? I'm running out of time and I could use some advice as to if its worth it to pursue. I dont want to ask my friends about this (crazy superstition).


I just met him this year, but we I have caught his eye in the year since we've started going to school together. Kind of one of those "i know you've seen me, I've seen you" kind of things.


- When off at a school retreat, he swatted me with his sweatshirt playfully.

- would try and link everything back to what we have in common:

ex: we were talking about interests in music- he asked me "you play guitar? I play too. You taught yourself? Me too!" stuff like that.

- he was going to a concert with a mutual friend. He knew I went to a similar show earlier, and kept being like, "well you saw Ratdog (the band), what do you think of Phil Lesh?" He brought this up numerous times.

- I saw him walking across campus, he smiled HUGELY and waved

- Saw him in teh campus restaurant, I stopped and said hi, we talked for like 10 minutes, he was smiling and laughing, very attentive. (I could have just been seeing what I wanted to see, though)


- this weekend, i saw him at a concert. Before I could say hi, he left. So i shot him a cute message being like, "I saw you but couldnt say hi. so i'm doing it now!"

He responded right away being like, "you should have stopped me! I'll see you tonight (at another show)?"


He seems interested. Its weird that we had that connection before we even formally met.



so, we've talked a few times in passing since then, but I haven't seen him around much (he's getting over mono), but tomorrow's our winter formal, and I'd love to hang out with him there. Everytime we talk, he's like, "anything good going on tonight?" or something like that. so, it seems like he wants to hang out... but should I move this forward? does it seem like he'd be interested? And is this too forward???


Thanks a lot

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