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Why? I Want To Know Why??

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Yes, cousin.. you know the one you're related to through your parents and uncles/aunts :p


Ah that kind of cousin! I was thinking you meant the other kind. :laugh:


What? Is there another meaning to 'cousin' that I don't know of? :confused:




Love_Lifee - have you talked to your BF about him hitting you? That wasn't cool of him at all! I'm sure Leia meant well, just not the way she put it but it's not always good news when a guy hits a girl.


One of my xBF tried to hit me - he TRIED but I gave him a stern warning on that and yes, I left him after that because I don't believe in him, not after what he tried to do. Guess what? I heard he hit his GF (after me) pretty badly when things don't go his way.

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Yes, everyone deserves a second chance but not someone who is a coward and hits a woman... sorry, I don't deal with cowards.


I don't think everyone does deserve a second chance but I do agree that anyone who hits another person in a relationship, definitely doesn't deserve a second chance. What they deserve, is to have either the crap kicked out of them by someone stronger so they understand what it feels like or several years in the slammer, for assault.


I honestly believe that all women should take a self-defense course, so if need be, in any situation, they can protect themselves.

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he doesn`t believe that i just needed to talk to someone..i do not mention that day at all, but he seems to not have forgotten it. :o i just hope everything will be fine. my mother doesn`t like him anymore and there is now a big family fued, ever since that day. he put his hands on me when i told him where i was instead of being at school. and wen i got home he had texted my mother and told her where i was and told her things that she didn`t need to know, so i raised up my shirt and told her that he punched me, and it showed so now she hates him, but i am stil with him. i love him and i want to give him another chance and i believe he won`t do it again and hopefully i am right.


Even if you lied about where you were, he had not right to put his hand on you! I don't know what else to say. It seems that you are adamant that he will never hit you again.


Good luck!

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I am a lesbian-and my partner cheated on me. It is not just men. It is women too. It is the type of person. Her twisted lies and manipulation have forever changed my perspective. She used her illness- recovering breast cancer survivor as a excuse for her distance and her behavior.


In reality, she was a cheat and that was the reason. I now know-it is the person not the gender that makes the difference. There are loyal men out there. Just as I hope there are loyal women.


The only thing I can hope-is that she is cheated upon by the person she cheated on with. They are together now. Kharma will have its way. Ironically, the bitch called me up to try and be friends. Her loss will always be the fact that she destroyed the trust of a true friend. She was never my soul equal. And she never will be.


Thank God I only lost a year of my life with her. So if you think a person is cheating or not treating you right...chances are..your intuition is correct. Follow it. But also follow your good intuitions. There are good people out there...It is just the bad ones we most vividly remember.

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Well, I do agree with the "everyone deserves a second chance" thing.


I don't. And even if I did believe in 2nd chances....not EVERYONE deserves one.


Tell me, if a woman cheated on you with, for example, two of your best friends and wanted a 2nd chance, you'd give her one?

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Yeah I would think it's not just men that cheat, women too and it happens in any type of relatinship whatever that may be. It sucks though because I am thinking of becoming a lesbian!! Kidding!


To answer your question, bish although it was meant for another poster... I don't think I would give him a chance if he cheated on me with two of my bestfriends and the thing is, I am pretty sure my bestfriends would give a pretty tight slap across his face for even trying!!!

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