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I think she cheated with her friend from work.

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Hey guys, long story short:


Me and my gf decide to take a "no-sex-with-other-people" break.


We're back together after 3 weeks but we got drunk and should told me on the friday night she went out with workmates to a do.

After which, she stayed over at her male co-workers house as they she has planned.

She also said that the man in question came onto her when she was on the sofa bed but she declined.


Should I be suspicious/upset?


1) She has family on the same road, why couldn't she stay with them?


2) She blurted out it was a cold night but she had a nice long t-shirt to keep her warm on the sofa - she owns no such things and wouldn't have taken that if she planned ahead when she has pyjammas etc.


3) She mentioned she went out for a work do, but said she stayed at a friends house, I know the work-mate so why didn't she use his name?


4) If he came onto her, was this not relevant conversation in our talks after said night?


I'm suspicious that she slept with him, I know she was angry at me at the time and thinking of breaking up with me.


And if she didn't, should I be ok with her putting herself in that situation when she knew the man fancied her?


Am I being paranoid or do you think my suspicion is justified?

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Should I be suspicious/upset?

Am I being paranoid or do you think my suspicion is justified?


Do have reason not to believe her?? Has she lied to you in the past?? Have you had trust issues in the relationship??


I ask these questions because the heart and soul of any relationship is honesty and trust. If you don't have that you don't have a relationship.


You agreed to take a break and agreed on the parameters (no sex with others) unless you have reason to believe otherwise I'd say you're being insecure.

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Do have reason not to believe her?? Has she lied to you in the past?? Have you had trust issues in the relationship??


I ask these questions because the heart and soul of any relationship is honesty and trust. If you don't have that you don't have a relationship.


You agreed to take a break and agreed on the parameters (no sex with others) unless you have reason to believe otherwise I'd say you're being insecure.


I hope thats all it is, I've always trusted her in the past but when I think about these things...I dunno.

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So much for anonomous posting lol.

I just want an unbias opinion disregarding my other posts.


Honestly, SG I hadn't read your other post. I simply replied to your question with my thoughts.


Having followed your link, I can see that you've got a lot happening in both your lives.

From my own experiences most women want someone they can count on if they are going to be in a relationship. By count on I mean having your act together and being a man and all that entails - honesty and sensitivity, sensibility and dependability. And a whack of other characteristics as well.


Dunno if this make sense to you, but if you value this girl, you will make the changes and show her you can be the man she wants.

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It's just I would never put myself in that kind of position for her sake.

I'm going to ask her tommorow how her night out was.

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Why did you take a "no-sex-with-other-people break"?


I mean, what did you expect? Also, its not cheating if you had a "no-sex-with-other-people break", right?


I don't understand what the problem is.

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