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Changing Yourself To Meet The Requirements Of Others

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Fair enough im only 8st etc etc but im thinking of a complete make over in a hope to stand out to some body


Is this wrong>?

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You don't need to change yourself for anyone.


And if someone has "requirements" to meet as far as friends, then maybe they are not your friends.


Its human nature I think, to want other people to like you etc, but its a start, if you like yourself first, then you wont feel the need to try and change for others.

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If you want to improve yourself, I will always encourage people to do so. Just make sure it's for you and not anyone else. If you do it for someone else, you won't be dedicated to it, making a core change and you might become someone you don't like or respect.

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I have nothing to add. Betty Boop said it all.



For some reason when Yukon Cornelious would lick off the snow and ice off that hammer, it would always turn me on. :confused::p

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For some reason when Yukon Cornelious would lick off the snow and ice off that hammer, it would always turn me on. :confused::p


I'll lick anything for you Betty Boop.

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