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confused and need advice


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well here I go well me and my boyfriend of 10 months together just broke up two months ago .I lived with him and his parents for about nine months we were together. And me and his parents are really close. So I was almost over him intil his mother asked me to stay the night at there house on night . I really didnt want to but I did and now that i seen him again i totally like him again. And now we are talking again but he gives me mixed signals and i am affraid to ask him how he feels about me know. Because i dont want to scare him away. But the thing is he broke up with me for a stupid reason. But now he wroting my brain again and really need some advice on how to find out what his feelings are for me now and if we could go for it again.And i want to do it with out scareing him away because we are talking now. Or should I try being friends with him first even though we have already been together please help me i need some kind of advice.

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