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Update: I am scared

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This is follow-up to Engaged, he cheated.....


He is finally angry enough that he has agreed to move out. He has been on a trip since early Friday morning and I haven't talked to him since then.


But he called and texted me even though I told him to enjoy his weekend and not to worry about talking to me. I did not answer the phone calls.


I am scared because I think that on the drive back to our state that he is going to reconsider. He is not going to want to move out right before the holidays. I do not want any conflict because I realize that I do not know what this person is capable of because he wove such intricate lies about himself.


I am going to establish a time limit of 2-3 weeks. I am actually giving him the funds to move.


For those of you who have been through this, please help me? What are the ploys that he will use to remain? What do I do while he is still here? Do I remain absent from my own home? Do I ask him to come here as late as possible? Do I pretend like we are just going to separate for the time being and work on the relationship so that there is less resistence? What are the pitfalls --the overall pitfalls and then any specific to using the above tactics?

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This is follow-up to Engaged, he cheated.....


He is finally angry enough that he has agreed to move out.


I don't remember your thread...I think I do..but if you were engaged, he cheated, and now HE is angry enough to move out...then let him.


First off...if he cheated, why the hell is HE angry? He should be damn humble if anything.


Secondly...if he cheated and he is threatening to move out..then let him. Trust me...you do NOT want to start a life with someone that is so damn selfish and worthless that they would cheat on you while engaged, let alone just cheating period.


Trust me, you do NOT want to marry this sorry excuse of a man. Lets forget the cheating part...the fact that he is the one that is "mad" now should throw up a big red flag...he isn't remorseful about what he has done...he can say he is all he wants...but instead of being humbled and trying to make it up to you...he gets mad and threatens you? To hell with him....dump his sorry butt. TRUST ME on this!

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