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does he still love his ex?

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Ok so here is the deal. I have been with my boyfriend for over a year now and we just had a child one month ago. Sometimes, i think we moved to fast because i moved in once I found out I was pregnant. I have never been an insecure person but for some reason with him I am. I find myself just thinking of what he is doing when he is not with me? About 3 months ago he left his myspace open and i read messages from his and his ex girlfriend from the same time we first started dating. Basically, he was asking for her back and kind of begging. But he was dating me? Let me remind you these messages where from a year ago... so I never said anything to him. It seemed pointless to argue about the past. That is where my wheels began to turn. And about a month before that I read text messages in his phone from her saying how much she missed him and how no girl would ever love him like she did and he responded back with ok baby!! I confronted him about it and he told me he just got caught up in her talk and that is why he called her baby. I let it go because he said to prove to me he didn't want her he would text ehr back with I don't want to be with you... and he did. Just recently about a week ago, I noticed that on his myspace he had been talking to her again and we got in a fight about it and to prove to me he didn't care about her he told me his password... which was... and here is the kicker... ihatejennifer!!! his ex's name. now to me... that means that he still has feelings for her! maybe i am crazy i jsut want to know what everyone thinks. i might be overdramatic but maybe there is more that he is hiding? please let me know!

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I don't think you're being over dramatic at all! You just had a baby with this guy and while you are most likely very busy taking care of your little on and yourself he's out there flirting and texting with his EX?? That's just wrong and unexcusable. He should be focussing on you and the baby and making sure all is well at home.

I'm so sorry you are going through this-you have every right to be upset.

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First thing, is I too had an experience when I first met my husband, where he left his myspace open and I learned of an inappropriate email. What do I think of ex g/f? They need to be gone. He needed to have gotten rid of her a long time ago, especially with how she feels for him. Texting her back with "I don't want to be with you." Duh! Now how about "Don't talk to me ever again." He should never have anything going on on his myspace or his text messaging that he wouldn't want you to find. My advice is to just explain how that ex and anything like that aren't healthy for you guys and your child. I do hope your situation gets better.

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I do not think he is still in love with her or ever was, you always want what you cannot have, plain and simple. Stupid, but true. He now has you and I am sure he loves you, but you are together all the time now and she is still out there bothering him.....he needs to tell her he is in love with you and only you and to NEVER contact him again. Then watch him closely to see if he keeps it up.....never trust them totally, trust yourself.

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