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loneliness is meant for me?

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Okay, here's my story. I've been single for too long. I have dated in the past but nothing longterm or serious. To be exact, I dated 3 guys and the longest lasts for about 8 months but this is not even true b/c we only saw each other on the weekends. Anyways to make a long story short, my dating experience haven't been all too great. I was left disappointed, frustrated, and hopeless.


I am now 24 and I feel like my biological clock is ticking. All I want is to meet that special someone who I can settle down with and my prince charming is too darn charming that he's taking his sweet @ss time (can u sense the bitterness?). Anyway, i'm just really running out of patience. All of my girlfriends are either attached or is getting married. What a sad and pathetic life i lead.


To make matters worst, there are a few qualified bachelors who are interested in me but I don't feel any chemistry between us so I have to let them down gently. This makes me feel even more hopeless b/c "the chance is there but i'm not even interested in taking it" Sometimes i just wanna scream and pull out my hair. Right now I feel like just pack my bag and run away to some strange and distant place where nobody knows my name and where i can forget about my pathetically lonely life. But I can't run away, I can't leave b/c I have family commitment. My parents owns a restaurant and never have any time to take care of my little brother and sister who are 5 and 13. I am practically their serogate mother. I spent the morning feeding them and get them ready for school, and then run errands or clean up the house, and cook dinner if i have time, then go to work. Everyday at midnight, while everyone is asleep, I come home to my dark and quiet house. On the weekends, i do laundry or take the kids out (my parent's restaurant opens on the weekends too). On sundays, there's church. See this is the routine of my life. I rarely go out anywhere, I talk to my friends on the phone more often than actually seeing them in person. All in all, I don't have a life and I am stuck in a rut. If anyone out there who have anything to share or a word of comfort is welcome. thanks for taking the time to read.

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Just A Girl2

I'm sensing you maybe don't live in North America? Do you live in a culture/country where it's traditional/"the norm" for young women like yourself to be already married? At the age of 24? I ask cuz here in North America, most young women at this age are still finding themselves and making their way in life......learning to live on their own and support themselves and be independent and not "need" a man to support them ...developing a career (of whatever type).


I guess I find it sort of humourous to read that someone at 24 feels like their biological clock is ticking away. I'm nearly 36, divorced for several years and now passed the point of having children (I likely still could if I wanted but for many reasons at this point I don't, um, plus I don't have a husband LOL)........


You're still very young with much ahead of you to look forward to. Don't be so discouraged. Don't feel bad because most of your friends are married and such......a lot of young folks who marry don't stay married anyway. I was 25 when I got married, and was divorced at 27. I knew much less about life and relationships than I do now..particularly in terms of making good choices about who to be with........


Chin up.

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Finding someone to settle down with is not easy at all. If you want to find someone, you need to take charge. The guy isn't going to come to your house. Maybe you could ask your girlfriends help you to meet someone.

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" don't feel any chemistry between us so I..."


This is the bull that's holding you back. Too much emphasis on feelings. Feelings come after actions. Those guys aren't doing certain things that make you feel good. TELL THEM WHAT THEY ARE, men aren't mind readers.


Then you'll feel good, AND you'll be with "qualified" men.

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