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Is This Going To Work?!

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Hi guys... I'm going to try to be as detailed as possible here:


I am 15 and the prospective girl is 17. There is a one year, 10 month age difference, if you are wondering exacts.


I met her at the end of last school year, or about 6 months ago. We share a ton in common, and after the first time we hung out with a group of friends, she had talked to me online for about 5 hours long into the night and asked to meet up again. So we hung out in Starbucks again, and later in the week she texted me saying we should go see a replaying of a movie in the park, but I couldn't make it. since then I have really fallen in love with her. I didn't see her much during the summer, but I have been hanging out with her more and more during the year. We went to a concert together that some of our friends were at, albeit in different seats. We've hung out at coffee shops, etc.


Last weekend I was at a party that she was at, with her friends, some of whom are mine. I feel that explaining that will make it easier to understand that I get along very well with people that are older than me, I am considered to be pretty mature. Anyway, she was really drunk, but she was really nice to me and continued to touch my hands and put her feet up on my lap, etc, which seems to go along with the whole "Drunken Heart acts a sober mind" quote. Does that apply?


On friday night after I come back from a family dinner we're hanging out for a late night coffee run. What can I do to make it obvious I think she's really special without saying it, because I don't want to be blunt and make a fool of myself and then ruin our great friendship.

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Hey wreil09,


There are two things that seem to be going on in what your story says. In the first part when you say that you hung out at starbucks, then she didn't contact you over summer sounds like she thinks you're neat and could befriend you, but doesn't try to pursue as a boyfriend. Later you say at the party "she touches your hand, and puts her feet up on your lap" this could be interpreted two ways. Either big time flirting, or because your younger, she thinks youre "cute" and feels like she can touch you. I think that a relationship like that where the couple is a few years apart can work, but it takes a lot more. Provide some more details and I'll be able to help you out more.


Hope that helps

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