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Im in love with my best friend but she doesnt feel the same

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Recently I told me best friend that I was falling for her, and that because of this I couldnt see her or speak to her again.I know she is very upset about it but I know that the more contact I have with her the more depressed I will end up. I have already messed up my exams because of it and I dont know how to get over her. I have just found out she is seeing a friend of mine as well for 4 weeks although he is no a close freind, and I never knew about this when I told her.


She keeps contacting me to tell me that she doesnt want to lose me as a friend, but I cant handle being just friends, is there any advice anyone can give me on how to get over her?. thankyou.

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You're doing the right thing by staying away from her and avoiding all contact. There's no good reason to be friends with someone you have feelings for who does not feel the same. Even if you were just friends, one day she would get married, have kids and have absolutely no time for you anyway.


She isn't much of a friend anyway if she can't respect your wish to be left alone. She probably keeps calling you because she feels guilty.


You did absolutely the right thing by announcing your feelings to her. You got your answer and now you can move on just like you're doing. In all things, look out for yourself and your feelings. This lady can go find other friends.

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Yeh,I'm trying to just forget about it, but she's been a good friend for ages and Im finding it hard to just cut of all contact with her. I have two of the most important exams of my life tomorrow and Ive messed them up now. I dont know if I'll be able to cope with not seeing or speaking to her and will just end up being a lovesick fool.

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  • 1 year later...

hey dreamer!


i know exactly how you feel, i went't through the same thing 1 yr ago.

i fell deeply in love with my best friend in high school. i loved her for about 3 years . i never told her how i felt. we became the best frineds on the face of this earth. we had our own little world and we felt comfortable. no one knew how close we were.


i saw her go from boyfriend to boyfriend and friends who just treated her like crap. i saw her go through crushes and fallin in love with another guy. i was her best friend so i had to hear every thing about her dates and experiences with her guys. all i could do was just sit there and watch from the side lines.


i felt like i was going to die when she told me she wanted to marry some guy after high school. but there was nothing i could do. things got bad and we stopped being friends. she married that guy after graduation. and since then i think about her every second and minute of my life. when i told her how i felt it was to late. it was the day before she got married.


well in the end i still love her but i know she is happy. she made me happy and i made her happy. i admire you for actually telling her how you felt. just look ahead and you will be fine.


sometimes when a door in life closes we don't see the other door or doors that have open. but thats ok, it's ok to stand there for a while but not for long.


just move forward and things will be ok.

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