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Speaking of no sex

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My BF and I used to have sex all the time. But now it is only once a month. Mostly due to time situations. We have a pre-teen who stays up till 10pm and I go to bed at 11pm. I am not not not a morning person. So morning sex is not a big option.


Also we live an hour away from my parents so my daugther isn't out of the house a lot. And we are the parents who usually have other people kids' over or take them out to do stuff. So when we get a free afternoon we do have sex.


But it is not enough for me. I recently had a conversation with my BF about evening sex and his concern is the noise.


I am loud. I can't help it I love sex. But he is afriad my enthusaism will wake up our daughter.


This is why he has become relutant to have sex while she is asleep.


So any suggestion to help me be quite?

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So any suggestion to help me be quite?


How about a ball gag? :laugh:



I think every married couple that has kids struggles with this same problem.


What about having shower sex?.. Bathroom sex or even closet sex ?

There isn't anything hotter than stealing away 15 mins to go bang one out in the dark closet on the other end of the house.


As far as keeping quiet there really isn't anything you can do as it is all up to you..

You might want to make a deal where you just have a few quickies during the week and one night that your daughter isn't around have the hum dinger.

Improvise is the word for the day..


or you could send her to a friends house for a sleepover. become the parents who send the kids out instead of having them in.

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I dunno... I'm noisy, too, I am told. Maybe just learn to hold all that joyous yelping and groaning, the way one tries to hold back hiccups? I've had some situations where I felt compelled (and was asked to be) quieter than I normally am. I rose to the occasion, I hope, and in a funny way it was sort of fun to restrain my noisiness. A sexy challenge, if you will.... restraint being sort of a turn on.

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I was thinking of trying to be quite to add something different.


My daughter's bedroom if between our & the bathroom.


The shower is super tiny. We've tried that but it is more of a foreplay place.


Kids' make things difficult for sure. Also Bf has odd sleeping habits. He naps after dinner which is ok but tues & thurs my daughter is at basket ball for 1.5 hours where we could tkae advantage of that time if he is not sleeping.


Than he stays up till 1am and wakes up at 6am.


But Art a gag might be fun maybe not a ball gag but hmmmm........

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We just tell the kids "Mom and Dad are going upstairs to listen to music for awhile" and lock the door to our bedroom. Turn it up loud enough, it'll drown out anything.


Allthough, we got lazy and left Al Greens Greatest Hits in the CD player for a year. Now I get an erection every time I hear "Let's Stay Together" on the radio :o ...


Mr. Lucky

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We just tell the kids "Mom and Dad are going upstairs to listen to music for awhile" and lock the door to our bedroom. Turn it up loud enough, it'll drown out anything.


Allthough, we got lazy and left Al Greens Greatest Hits in the CD player for a year. Now I get an erection every time I hear "Let's Stay Together" on the radio :o ...


Mr. Lucky


Good idea, and Mr. Lucky, you are hysterically funny! So I guess the moral of the story is be careful in your choice of music. No Christmas carols, for instance, although it might make church more interesting at this time of year:)

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So I guess the moral of the story is be careful in your choice of music. No Christmas carols, for instance, although it might make church more interesting at this time of year:)

I like the way you think :cool: !


Mr. Lucky

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I like the way you think :cool: !


Mr. Lucky


And I, you, Mr. L. I think the loud music idea is brilliant. Solves the problem of having to do it when one of you is sleepy. Love those lazy (loud) Sunday afternoons!

My h and I have the same dilemma as thread writer (different sleep schedules and kids who go to bed later, and don't actually fall asleep until midnight some nights). On the upside, my kids father and I are divorced, so we do get some time to ourselves when they're with him.

In the past, when the mood strikes when they're around, we've waited until everyone is in bed and sneak off to the basement. Not the most comfortable or romantic setting, but sexy in a really raw and dirty kind of way.

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I suddenly feel sort of embarrassed by the shameless tone of my previous post (Catholic guilt kicking into third gear). Sounds like I'm crowing about my raunchy sex life (which most days, it's not).

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