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Just wanted to remind.............

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Hello everyone. Just wanted to remind everyone that cheating is not a game and everyone gets hurt. I know that for a fact because today was a very hurtful day. The girl that I was cheating with, told me where to go. Not in a bad way but rather that she finally realized what she has (Her BF). She has been cheating with me for over 7 months now off and on. She would tell me it's wrong as to what we are doing and then in a couple of days she would change her mind and we would be back to square one. It started off as simple kisses then slowly became more intimate. I know it's wrong and I tried to pull myself away but I guess I couldn't. I really liked and cared for her alot and that's my own fault. I gave my heart to someone who's heart belongs to someone elses. This weekend we had one of those intimate moments. But the following day, she became quiet with me and I wondered what was wrong. She told me she felt guilty ( once again) and that it had to stop. She wants to try a be friends without all the kissing and stuff. But while we were going home she became very friendly and started to call me her sweety and babe again. I WAS LIKE, HUH?!!! Basicly all these months were a roller coaster ride! UP and DOWN!!! Now she tells me that this weekend woke her up and isn't confused anymore like she use to.

The hardest part about this is that we work together. I have to see her everday now. It's easy for her to say and do what she's asking because she has someone to fall back to. For me I have to deal with it! I feel like crap right now and don't know what to do. Anyway for those who are thinking about cheating with someone don't do it!!! In the end nobody wins!!!

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Why did it take seven months of cheating with you to realize how much she appreciates her boyfriend? I think she's one screwed up chick.


Didn't you ever wonder why, if she felt compelled to cheat with you, she did not leave the boyfriend she felt necessary to cheat on?


This doesn't really sound like it's over. Just another installment in a long story that will end only when you decide you aren't so afraid of a truly intimate relationship and decide to find a lady who is emotionally and physically available to you.

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Now why do you think this isn't over yet Tony? To me it sounds like she's very serious. I feel so burnt out about this whole thing. I regret the day we ever met or even the time when I told her I liked her. At first I was like in awe over her but not I'm afraid to say anything because she gets angry. I don't know if you remember a few of my posting a while back. One of them was about how she would get jealous about one of her friends talking to another girl. Well that was me, her friend. Even now, just looking at a girl she would get mad! And we're not even going out!!!! I just don't know anymore!!! The feeling I have is even worst than when I broke up with my ex. Just totally in space right now! Don't know what to think or do? I bet she's doing just fine and doesn't feeling anything at all right now!!! What do you think?

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She even told me that she misses her BF!!! But also tells me that when she is with him, she misses me! Isn't that weird or what?!?!

Don't know what to do. Sorry if I sound like a broken record! First time in this situation and it's really confusing!!

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Hello guys it's me again. I'm not too happy as to what happened and I feel quite crappy right now. My question is, will the friendship we have ever come back? The reason is that after we had that moment together, we both became quiet with each other. On the way home, we didn't say much too. I called her yesterday to say hello and she was quite bitter towards me.


She asked why would I want to talk to her now when I didn't talk to her when we were coming home the other day. I was like, " You didn't say much too!" and she just said "whatever!" I'm pretty distraught over this because she's a good friend. I'm not sure how she is but it feels like she doesn't really give a damm. She usually calls me a few times a day but today and yesterday there wasn't a single call? I don't know what to do. Should I approach her and try and talk to her or should I just ignore her completely. We work together if that helps. I need some help on this one.

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Why in heaven's name would you want to continue a relationship with someone who has a boyfriend and who has clearly told you she wants to once again become loyal to him? Why is it that you want to have a cheating relationship with someone who is basically unavailable?


Do you have a problem with going out and finding women who are unattached and with whom you could have a healthy relationship?


I see no reason or purpose of there being a friendship here. What you are wanting is for the sexual encounters to continue and this woman knows that. What she wants is a normal, respectable relationship with her boyfriend. She realizes her mistake and she wants to right it. Wouldn't it be nice if you respected that.


Stay away from her, forget about her, smile at her when you see her at work, and move on with your life. She has nothing for you at this point...and don't put pressure on her.

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