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She wants to know who iv been with?


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After 2 months or so of being broken up and 30 of NC. My Ex and i end up at the same place watching movies with mutual friends.


I knew she had a knew boyfriend, which was kind of quick for a 2 and a half year relationship. From what iv seen it doesn't look to serious.


Anywho, she texted me during the movie and asked "how the ladies are doing in my life"

I just replied with "They are great"


After a little while she texted back " Did you hook up with anyone?"

And again i replied "It doesn't matter"


She asked me 9 times if i "hooked up" with anyone, and i did not give her an answer.


I'm still in the process of moving on, and I'm not sure exactly what to make of that. That was basically the first thing she talked about after 30 days of NC.



I have a feeling she is doing one of 3 things


1.) she is trying to make me jealous with this new guy for whatever reason. Since she keeps saying how happy she is, and how happy he makes her. And that i need to find someone.


2.) She is keeping me on the backburner. Since she wants to know what girls i have been with. And this new guy doesn't seem too serious.


3.) She just wants me to move on and not talk to her so she doesn't feel guilty.


I'm pretty sure she is on the rebound, because the last time i talked to her over IM, she said "Im really happy right now, you need to find someone"


Basically saying i would be happy if i found someone too. I think it's just a way for her to mask her pain, and she wants me to do it too because she thinks i am still hurting. I had tons of time to heal, im not 100% healed, but i would say im a good 90% of the way there. I know she is playing games with me somehow. I'm just curious what she is trying to do.


And 1 day after that IM conversation, she contacts me at about 12:30 in the morning on IM again. (Basically after that IM conversation about saying how happy she was, i thought she wouldn't contact me again. and i could begin my second round of NC.) She contacts me and asked me to help her find a video I showed her 7 months ago. I just said i don't know where to find it sorry. And i left it at that. 4 minutes later she replies back "I found it". It sounds to me, like she was looking for an excuse to talk to me. But i could be wrong. It just seems very odd.


She has also brought up the topic of "being friends". I basically said that isn't going to happen. I had too much emotion invested in the relationship and i can't be just friends".

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Back burner. She wants to know who and how many women you may have hooked up with to assess whether you are still 'hooked' on her, or whether you have moved on...


An appropriate answer to that question is, 'it's none of your business'

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An appropriate answer to that question is, 'it's none of your business'

Agreed, though it's sometimes hard to say or even write that phrase without seeming bitter. Another appropriate answer is, I don't kiss and tell.



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well i just told her " don't worry about it"


I figure that was good enough. I have that feeling i'm on the back burner just incase this guy doesn't work out. I treated her very well during our relationship, so i owe her nothing. She has been really quiet to everyone about this new guy. So i'm kind of thinking she knows this relationship may not work out.

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