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The Pill and how it affects womens choice of mate?

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I watched a programme on TV last night about how women smell different and give off more pheromones when off the pill than on. I have also read somewhere about how women tend to choose a different type of mate when on or off the pill.


Apparently, when on the pill they will choose a good provider/nurturing type mate when on the pill. When off it they tend to choose a mate with better physical genes, stronger, more pysically attractive etc.


I feel this is relevant to my situation as my wife went off the pill a few months before she started a new job in May, where she got to know an attractive younger colleague and lost interest in me.


She didn't have a PA and I don't know if it was fully an EA but she was definitely lusting after him and acting differently.


She has now left that job and is working with me and is back on the pill and we are getting on better. The timing of her her being on/off the pill coincided with our problems.


I know that there are many factors that lead to an A, but has anyone else observed or had experience of the pill affecting behaviour or do you think it is insignificant?

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Thats true... but its hormonal... therefore it naturally cycles!


When ovulating women are attracted to more masculine features. So... even if she was off the pill, its only about 25% of the time she would have this hormonal effect!


I think you should look elsewhere for your answer!

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wow, thanks for sharing that piece of info, FXJ. i have read over and over how the pill tends to diminish one's libido, but your personal experience is much more specific. would love to hear others' experiences with regards to the pill.

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