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Hello, I am messed up. I appreciate any advice. I dont have much time before I lose it all.


I have been with my bf for 3 years. We had a language barrier until I broke through it and learned what I could for at the very least base communication. He's a stable guy, stern, hardworking, mellow, good heart, generous and sincere.

Things havent been easy and he screwed me over in love a couple of times but I have learned to adapt with this. During my low points I reached out to friends for support (lack of family).


I met a man. I met a man who would bring me to my knees. I knew he was nothing but trouble and so I tried my best to stay away from him.


He was incredibly persistent. He somehow managed to befriend one of my friends to gain my telephone number. Since that day, he has turned my world upside down in good and bad ways.


I resisted his efforts the whole way. I told him that I was happy with my BF and that the only thing I could offer was friendship.


He wasnt hearing it. We had became really close in the past, and then he moved. He has been back for 4 months....and in that time....


He has followed me everywhere I go, to make me go with him. He has blackmailed me with letters and phone messages, and information to take to my BF if I didnt meet up with him when he asked. I would meet with him, and from that meeting, he would have more things to blackmail me with for the next time. It got completely out of control.


He wanted me to go with him, because he believed that I was his destiny, his woman. He kept me on the phone at all hours of the night, and I guess one could say that he really did a number on my head.


Basically, he set me up. He really hemmed me in, and made my BF think that I was cheating on him with this guy. My relationship naturally started to deteriorate with BF...



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Have you told your boyfriend of this story? If not then why not? Your suposed to tell your boyfriend EVERYTHING. This this guy is doing is not right, you have to report it to the police! Your boyfriend needs to beleive and trust you about this guy. He is danger! Stay away from him, don't meet him and for gosh sakes tell your boyfriend about this guy, everything he has said and done because you need your boyfriend to help you and support you to go to police. Provide the proof on your phone, emails, voice recordings from this guy.

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Thanks, BlueeyedSarah......but when I tell you the rest, you will probably think twice about being so supportive of me.


So, the BF started thinking I was cheating on him, and naturally, the other guy made it work out that way by leaving flowers and love letters on my car, telling people that I was his wife, just making mischief any way he could.


I kept meeting up with him because it began a cycle of blackmailing that I was afraid to break out of for fear that my BF would believe him over me, because of the type of person my BF is. So I kept compensating for it by basically kissing his ass in exchange for keeping my relationship (no, sex wasnt a part of it).


and of course, the more I met up with him, the more evidence he had to use against me, even employing the help of others. I had no idea he was gathering evidence..he would save it all up and use it when I tried to completely shut him out of my life. Then the cycle began all over again.


At this point, my BF thinks I am a cheating streetwalker, and wants nothing to do with me.

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If he was black mailing you in the first place, why would it matter if you know you didn't do anything wrong? Just stop seeing him all together..I think some part you wants to be with this apparent stalker...He sounds freaking crazy...I'm really sorry for being so harsh..but It's stupid to keep seeing this guy when you know you've done nothing wrong...or have you done anything physical with him? You should just tell your boyfriend he's lying. It's simple if you want to be with your boyfriend, tell the stalker you'll get a restraining order on him. that simple..But I really do think you actually like him and the attention your getting. Is that why your feeling guilty? Again I apologize if I sound to harsh.

Good Luck


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I would imagine if you went to the police and got a restraining order on your stalker then your BF would believe you.


Why are you putting up with this from your stalker and what is going on with your other thread?

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I still stick to my advice earlier and say GO TO THE POLICE ASAP! Don't worry about the mix up with your boyfriend right now, you need to get yourself safe. Don't tell this guy you are going to the police because who knows what he may be capable of. He sounds crazy and he is blackmailing you because your scared and your digging your hole deeper because your scared of what he may do. You need protection. don't stay home alone, have some friend/family stay with you until this guy is on a restraining order.

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