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What's wrong with me, I have no remorse

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I don't know what is wrong with me. In almost all my life from the time I was a kid till now, hardly anything makes me feel guilt. Just to let you now, no I was never physically abuse if that's what you going to smart asking.

Currently I'm living with my fiance of 3 years who I love a lot and well he's the only guy I never cheated on. However I have cheated on 2 of my ex's (it was me making out and the other is me fooling around) and when fiance asked if ever felt guilty I say no. It's true I have no remorse for them but I did inform him I wouldn't cheat on him b/c he means a lot to me.

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I cheated on an ex, and I felt no remorse then, and still don't now. helped that he was cheating on his wife with me, so I didn't think he had a leg to stand on.


I wouldn't cheat now though. My fiance has made his feelings on that very clear to me, and he has zero tolerance- I respect him for that.


If I even thought about cheating on him, I would end it with him first. Hopefully that day never comes, all is good right now.

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Nothing to worry, I had no regret when I cheated on an ex (me making out with other dude) which I only dated for 2 weeks. You're right, what's the use of living with regret.


In my view, if you're gonna make an choice or say something, make sure you think about it like 3 times. And when you finally do it or say it, make sure you have no regrets about it.

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I don't know what is wrong with me. In almost all my life from the time I was a kid till now, hardly anything makes me feel guilt. Just to let you now, no I was never physically abuse if that's what you going to smart asking.

Currently I'm living with my fiance of 3 years who I love a lot and well he's the only guy I never cheated on. However I have cheated on 2 of my ex's (it was me making out and the other is me fooling around) and when fiance asked if ever felt guilty I say no. It's true I have no remorse for them but I did inform him I wouldn't cheat on him b/c he means a lot to me.


Well the question is... do you have remorse for other things??


If you hurt somebody close... do you feel remorse? If you steal do you feel remorse?... ect.

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So I'm I normal or what?


Have you ever broken any one's heart and felt no guilt? If so, no. Your not normal. I think the psychological term for that is sociopath.

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Well the question is... do you have remorse for other things??


If you hurt somebody close... do you feel remorse? If you steal do you feel remorse?... ect.


Nope I can't really think of any. Yes I have stolen stuff from stores and ransack other people's house when I was younger (a year before I became a teenager) with a guy friend of mines.


We were close to getting caught once and my friend was like ''Let's not do that again'' and was like ''Why not, if we got away with it, we can get away as many times as we want to''.


I don't think I ever hurt someone close, well besides my two ex's I cheated, which I felt nothing afterwards.


But see I do love my current fiance, he's mine. I had to explained to him twice that I wouldn't cheat on him b/c he means a lot to me, he's special

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If a woman told me that I would dump her on the spot.


I guess so, if he hasn't dump me then I must mean a lot to him too.


As for stealing, I'm already too old for that now but if I was that age again, then why not. I use to like that thrill feeling of almost getting caught but nope, I was way too smart for them cops.

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google sociopath and see if it applies to you. lack of remorse is just one symptom...


Ok gonna check it out.

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Ok there is some stuff I do agree and some I don't. First, I don't think I'm incapable of loving, I have many friends at my work (almost everyone likes me) and I never did poorly at school (I was great academically but at times terrible in my conduct). I was either talking too much, talking back to teachers, or picking up fights (sometimes I was under supervision when I was at the playground with classmates).


As for animals, well not that much. But there was this annoying dog that would bark endlessly so one day I put a stop to it with rat poison (I was only 9 anyways).

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Are you talking to me? Or to the OP?


The OP but in general people don't tend to change their striped according to person. A woman with an entitlement mentaity where she sees nothing wrong with cheating will still have that mentality no matter what man she is with.

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The OP but in general people don't tend to change their striped according to person. A woman with an entitlement mentaity where she sees nothing wrong with cheating will still have that mentality no matter what man she is with.


I don't fall into that category.


I had a lapse where I did, but the situation was not one I ever want to be in again.

It wasn't a sense of entitlement as such, rather it was cripplingly low self esteem when I was an OW- I will never ever again repeat that experience.


This leopard has changed her spots as far as that is concerned. Much happier now too.

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When your opin ion on tyour fian ce sours you will do the same thing to him.


No I already say I won't cheat on him. He's just different than my previous ex's, who seems to understand me, thus he's special.

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No I already say I won't cheat on him. He's just different than my previous ex's, who seems to understand me, thus he's special.


Let's see if you are singing this tune a few years from now.

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Let's see if you are singing this tune a few years from now.


I don't see why I have to be forced to feel remore for my ex's (yes one of them cried and I don't know, I just felt nothing at all). In my mind I viewed them as puppets to play with.


What really matters is the present you are currently living.

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I don't see why I have to be forced to feel remore for my ex's (yes one of them cried and I don't know, I just felt nothing at all). In my mind I viewed them as puppets to play with.


What really matters is the present you are currently living.


It speaks to your character and how you treat people. If you view people as puppets this mentality will eventually makes it way into your relationship. It's all about you and what he can do for you.

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It speaks to your character and how you treat people. If you view people as puppets this mentality will eventually makes it way into your relationship. It's all about you and what he can do for you.


Actually he sometimes explains to me the meaning of ''inner voice (I don't think I ever had but I guess it's not late)'' and consequences which I too have a hard time.


I can't really explained why I fell in love with him nor what actually keeps me from hurting him. I know there's something in him what's making me thinking differently just don't know what.

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It speaks to your character and how you treat people. If you view people as puppets this mentality will eventually makes it way into your relationship. It's all about you and what he can do for you.



What about people who, like me, have a serious look in the mirror and make some changes when they don't like what they see?


My R now is the best one i have ever been in, and i know it wouldn't be so great if I hadn't sorted my head out and dealt with a few demons.


I have no remorse for cheating on MY ex because he treated ME like sh** himself. But the R forced me to address a few flaws in my own character and change, for the better I think.

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I don't see why I have to be forced to feel remore for my ex's (yes one of them cried and I don't know, I just felt nothing at all). In my mind I viewed them as puppets to play with.


What really matters is the present you are currently living.


Well Brendi,


There are two possibilities that I see.


One, you may have an inability to understand the feelings of others.


Two, you understand how others may feel, but are too self absorbed to care.


I'd bet that the problem lies in that you can have empathy for others... it's just you dont care to.


You cant really live in the present, if you fail to resolve the past. Apathy is no true resolution.

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I think it's mainly the first option. Some poster told me to google sociopath and I found that yes many of the things say there does describes me. I don't think I ever even apologize in my life b/c I didn't felt it (one time I was forced to by a teacher, grr).

I don't think I there's a cure to what I'm dealing but if there was wish I knew it.

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I think it's mainly the first option. Some poster told me to google sociopath and I found that yes many of the things say there does describes me. I don't think I ever even apologize in my life b/c I didn't felt it (one time I was forced to by a teacher, grr).

I don't think I there's a cure to what I'm dealing but if there was wish I knew it.


Uh... you really think that your a sociopath?


Anyone ever hurt your feelings?

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