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What's wrong with me, I have no remorse

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Uh... you really think that your a sociopath?


Anyone ever hurt your feelings?


I guess so b/c like I stated before hardly anything makes me feel guilt (only one thing I can think of, that was me one time cutting my hair very short, I got angry afterwards then nothing else). I didn't care at all when one of my ex who I cheated cried out. To me it was like watching some boring t.v show.


As a kid if anyone (esp. classmate) annoyed me or say things I would solve it by giving them a beating.

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i've cheated without feeling guilty, i wouldn't have cheated if i cared enough about the person not to. and yes, i will even say the ones i cheated on, they deserved it, and no one can tell me they didn't, because how would they know?


i've also ended relationships with little or no guilt, because i was over the relationship for one reason or another and it was time to get out of it. why stay in something you're not happy with? that's not healthy, or fair to the other person. you can't make yourself feel something you don't. after ending most of my relationships, i felt relief. how could i feel guilty over doing something i think is right? it's not wrong to do that. sure it sucks hurting someone's feelings, but what are you supposed to do? if you don't feel something, then you don't feel something, and that's just how it is.


i'm just fine, personality and humanity-wise. in fact, i think i have a healthier attitude because i don't focus on things i can't change. i had a great childhood, my parents are wonderful and still married (not that that matters so much, but just mentioning it) i care about people and put everyone first before myself, i am a good friend, and i love my family. i don't steal, i don't lie, i don't cheat. i am in a long-term engagement and planning my wedding to the most amazing man ever, who knows everything about me. i have a great life, a lot of confidence, and i am well-adjusted. i am successful in my endeavors. i am usually quite modest, but that's a little difficult in this kind of answer. :laugh:


a lot of people go through selfish stages. you make mistakes, you live and learn, you grow and change. everyone does in some way or another. to be diagnosed as a sociopath on a forum full of scorned people is hardly anything to get upset over. for some people it's hard to understand how someone who could do something that hurt someone else so badly can not feel anything but utter remorse and guilt, but the fact remains that no one is you but you, and no one experienced your experience but you, and no one knows all the circumstances but you.


i'm sure you're fine. if you start hurting people or yourself on purpose just to see them or yourself bleed and squirm, and laughing maniacally at their pain, and looking forward to the next time you can inflict torture on humans or anything else, then get some help. for now, i think you're pretty normal.

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I guess so b/c like I stated before hardly anything makes me feel guilt (only one thing I can think of, that was me one time cutting my hair very short, I got angry afterwards then nothing else). I didn't care at all when one of my ex who I cheated cried out. To me it was like watching some boring t.v show.


As a kid if anyone (esp. classmate) annoyed me or say things I would solve it by giving them a beating.


I'd say it sounds like you have emotional issues.


It's possible that your just insanely selfish... however it also seems that you dont feel many emotions yourself... which is not normal.

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This is a classic example of a me me me attitude that a lot of people have. These people are utter nightmares to be involved with.

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I don't know what is wrong with me. In almost all my life from the time I was a kid till now, hardly anything makes me feel guilt. Just to let you now, no I was never physically abuse if that's what you going to smart asking.

Currently I'm living with my fiance of 3 years who I love a lot and well he's the only guy I never cheated on. However I have cheated on 2 of my ex's (it was me making out and the other is me fooling around) and when fiance asked if ever felt guilty I say no. It's true I have no remorse for them but I did inform him I wouldn't cheat on him b/c he means a lot to me.


If you say you feel NO guilt for thing's you do wrong, then IMOP their had to be a very deep hurt in your life that has caused you to feel like this. I think you probably should speak with a Therapist, it does not sound very healthy at all. Good luck.



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If you say you feel NO guilt for thing's you do wrong, then IMOP their had to be a very deep hurt in your life that has caused you to feel like this. I think you probably should speak with a Therapist, it does not sound very healthy at all. Good luck.




That is a very good point!


You should definitely talk to a professional at some point!

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I guess so, if he hasn't dump me then I must mean a lot to him too.


Or he might see that as a green light to go out and cheat on you. He might figure.."well there's a good chance she'll cheat on me if she has in the past and has no remorse.....so I might as well have my own fun on the side"


Now if he is a decent guy, he won't do that....but now you have given him something to think about.

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i've cheated without feeling guilty, i wouldn't have cheated if i cared enough about the person not to. and yes, i will even say the ones i cheated on, they deserved it, and no one can tell me they didn't, because how would they know? .


Because nobody deserves to be cheated on.

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If you say you feel NO guilt for thing's you do wrong, then IMOP their had to be a very deep hurt in your life that has caused you to feel like this. I think you probably should speak with a Therapist, it does not sound very healthy at all. Good luck.AP:)


You're right I have no guilt at all for anything I done in my life. As for me getting hurt, not that I know of, well at least not intentionally but I had an accident once as a toddler. I hit my forehead very hard enough to get 12 points (yes there's that small scar visible) as I was playing with my two older cousin, them being 5 and 7 years old at the time.


So I don't know if this might have any link to it. But I do know I was a really crier before the accident (basically I would cry for everything) but afterwards hardly anything would make me cry not even if I were to get a spank.

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Or he might see that as a green light to go out and cheat on you. He might figure.."well there's a good chance she'll cheat on me if she has in the past and has no remorse.....so I might as well have my own fun on the side"


Now if he is a decent guy, he won't do that....but now you have given him something to think about.


I do think he is a decent and nice guy who's been trying to help me out. He does sometimes goes on to explained me about an inner voice I might have repress or not pay attention to. Besides a friend's mother (who's an analizer), he's the only that tells me I'm not shallow or unfeeling as I appear.I did a little search on that word with him but he refuses to believe I fit in that category. He's like ''If it were true then wouldn't be lock up already''.


As for therapy, yes I was analyze once as a teenager in which I had to be under close supervision until I graduated from high school. When it would come to being on the playground with the other kids, I would be watched.

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