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I am already 25. I never have a relationship or date anyone. (I am asian) Sometimes, I feel a very strong desire from inside. I find that the need is so strong that I often feel depressed. I don't mean sexual desire. I mean the love itself. And actually I know a friend from internet, but he doesn't like me. And I conclude that it is all because I don't have a good face or probaly a good body. But I know it is wrong because when I worked part-time during my school holiday, I find some guy like me. But I only worked several weeks and I am a very asian traditional person. My problem is how can I avoid all negative thoughts? Thanks.

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You are the only person who has control over the way you think. I will tell you for certain that your thoughts can make magic happen. If you start feeling good about yourself, start feeling you are attractive, start feeling you are worthy of the love you seek, it will appear to you. Your thoughts are what creates your reality. If you don't think you're attractive, how can you expect others to?


OK, so the plan is to start thinking more highly of yourself, start being more confident...and the guys will pick up on that...they will sense that you are keen on yourself and then they will have a reason to be keen on you as well.


Make this a whole new beginning for you and when you find yourself feeling sorry for yourself for any reason, pull out of that right away. Remember, ONLY you have control over your thoughts...which control your entire life.

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If you really want to fall in love than you will. Not until you let your self fall however. Love is not perfect and neither is the partner you will choose. Nothing is. just let go and let your "Feelings" from inside carry you on a trek.



just a thought. I personally think Asian/oriental women are drop dead gorgeous. problem is you only ever see them out with African American men or other Asian men. Never white boys like me. One day in the future all races will be mocha colored anyway (intermarriage), so lets drop this tradition stuff and love each other :D !

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