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should i be mad?

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my ex girlfriend of three years is very religious. we had oral sex and that was it. then she said she couldn't do it no more and we did nothing for a year, broke up and know4 months later she is 21 her new boyfriend is 17 and she had oral sex with him. whats up with that, should I be mad? I have moved on but its just the fact of the matter.

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YOU ASK: "whats up with that, should I be mad?"


No, you should be jumping for joy that you are away from a religious hypocrite who has a big mouth in more ways than one. That she would engage in any form of sex and then go around talking about it to others shows she is younger mentally than the guy she is dating. She probably lied about the experience to get you pissed off anyway....it seems that is her mentality.


This lady is extremely childish, immature, confused, and otherwise screwed up. You shouldn't be mad, you should be relieved that you are away from her.


Go celebrate!!! She is one screwed up chick!!!

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Not to mention she is breaking the law with a young man under the age of 18! Good riddance, I say.

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Oh no it happend she did it cause she was in love and didn'twant him to leave her. he still left her anyway. but know shes just dating him. she has turned into a big player and now drinking and getting high so YEAH I am jummping for joy that I DITCHED HER ha ha. she wants to be friends but i don't think so.

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