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I met my bf Steven about a year ago now. He recently got a new job working with his best mate Jason and has began to change towards me. At the time Steven got the job, Jason was single so he was helping out his mate. Steven finally found a gf for Jason and they've been together for a month n a half now. The thing is my bf hasnt stopped speaking about Jasons gf and im going MAD!! I know most things about Lisa and i havent even met her. I've asked him to not tell me things about her becoz to be honest im not interested but he still carrys on. I may be jumping to conclusions but im starting to think somethings going on there. What should I do??

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I would tell him you've heard enough of her and now it's time you meet her.


You can get a much better feel of things if you see them for yourself rather than let your imagination do the job.


Have you BF arrange a night out for the four of you. If he agrees to it that should calm you down a bit.

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