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Hello! I know that most of the threads here are about problems but this one is a bit different.

hi I live in NYC and my "girlfriend" lives in CALI. I always wanted to move to cali but then I was accepted to NYU and there is no way I'm going to turn that offer down lol anyway my girlfriend and I are 22 yrs old and have about 1 year together. We text, im, call eachother everyday. The thing is that we never met! Lol but we act like we have and we tell our friends that we live nearby and see eachother all the time. Only my parents know the truth and her parents know I live here in NYC but she lied a bit. (See I do shirtless modeling for a certain store so I travel sometimes to different stores but mostly here because of school) She told her parents that we met at the mall while I was modeling at the store but then I came to NYC for school. Lol in reality we met at some forum online.


Trust!!! She trusts me 100% and so do I! (Helps me sleep a night) it was pretty easy to gain trust because she's always with her parents...always! I mean I call her mom's or dad's cell most of the time and she's right there. She's like me in many ways. I stay home 80% of the time and we both always disliked parties and clubs. We just like staying home drawing or something. I also like the fact that we share 1 problem incommon that I could never shre with another girl. And that's being scared of entering the real world. Most of our friends want to have office jobs, be lawyers, cops, doctors etc but us, although wrong, don want that. We don't want to mature yet or grow up.


I think its pretty cool how we make eachother laugh and act like we are right there. Sometimes we talk like ummm "baby I wanted to shower with u this morning but u locked the door!" and she would be like "because I was mad you for not going to sleep early!" we do that all the time lol and sometimes we fake argue lol its pretty cool because it avoids arguing for real. Her mom just had a baby and we act like he's our son lol we send pics of eachother atleast 4 times a week so we can feel like we are close. I've never felt her lips,her hand or had sex with her but we seem 2 be ok with that.

I know that the time will come when we are going to need that hug but I'm planning a visit to go see her this spring and we already have butterflies I mean its going to be crazy!


Is anyone else going thru something similar? Where do these things end up?

Hopefully when we meet it will be as great as it is online I'm scared that it will be like "hey" "hi" "umm how are you?" lol that type of thing lol


in conclusion this 1 year never-met long distance relationship feels so much better than my past close distance 3 yr relationship. Just feels so right and so many feeling involved.

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I am going through a similar situation. I met my "boyfriend" through a texting service and today is actually our 2 month anniversary! LOL! We have never met in person, and I am kinda hesitant telling my whole fam how I met him, but I did tell some of them the truth. He is visiting me in a few weeks, and he wants to move here sometime in 2008, and we want to try being roommates. We have so much in common, like your relationship, i.e., no clubbing, stay at home. We are also both divorced.


Just meet up with her and see where it goes. See if the chemistry in person is the same as long distance. If all goes well, take it from there...Good luck!

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Hey I am going through a more similiar situation with you as well. I live on the east coast and the person I want to be with lives in Cali as well and we never met..I am also nervous for the fact that things will be different. I am saving up some side money for a visit as well. You only make it as awkward as you think it will be so just try to think of that and just pretend like you've met in person before, just act like you do in long distance.

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im goin thru the same its been almost 5 months now and i still havent seen her in person but we always talk online phone and webcam everyday and we talk about seeing each other the only thing that bothers me is the fact that im weak i stress things to much and latly iv been feeling down cuz i cant have her by my side im so depressed cant sleep or eat i need help!

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