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Lovin' the security gaurd

Lil' Girlie

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Okay, I work at the mall and at the mall, security gaurds go around talking to the mall workers, sending them messages from the information booth and stuff. Well, there's this one security gaurd that is soooo hot. Let's call him "Will." Other than the fact that Will is very good looking and that you can see his muscles through his uniform, Will is very nice and easy to talk to. Well, he comes by a lot to my work, and he doesn't come by to rally messages from the info booth. He comes to say hi, and chat for a little while. Whenever I have a problem at the store and call security, he's usually the one to come by. He even was outside the store once to help me pull down the gate. Well, I work with his mom, and every time he comes by, he acts like he's looking for her. But I don't really believe him. Sometimes I think he's there just to see me. He's even given me a nick name: "Lil' Girlie." So I've probably made it clear that there's a clear attraction between us. Well, here's the problem(s): I'm seeing someone. I've seen him for over a year now and although we've had trouble in the past month or so, I'm still in love him and I don't want to lose him. I can honestly say that he is the best thing that is happening to me and he makes me feel like I'm the best thing in the world. Will is married and is expecting a child soon. I know that he is just as happy with his wife as I am with my boyfriend, but I can't help but think that we are on the verge of adultery. I'll be honest, as much as I love my boyfriend, whenever I see Will, I can't help but think that if he came on to me for sex, I would not stop him. Oh, and I shouldn't leave out the fact that I'm 18 and he's 25. That's not a huge deal compared to the other things, but it's something. If it weren't for my boyfriend and Will's wife and upcoming child, don't you think that we would have something great going? I've come to a couple conclusions: Will and I are just physically and sexually attracted to each other, and since we're both obviously really happy with what we already have, we could still hang out and not worry about our sexual attraction getting in the way of our heads. Another thought I had was that maybe our sexual attraction, although small now, can and will build up and I should try to avoid him. Please don't tell me to avoid him. He's a nice guy. Maybe I could babysit for him... just kidding. What should I do about this?

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What ever you do, don't ask this security gaurd if you could see or touch his gun.

Okay, I work at the mall and at the mall, security gaurds go around talking to the mall workers, sending them messages from the information booth and stuff. Well, there's this one security gaurd that is soooo hot. Let's call him "Will." Other than the fact that Will is very good looking and that you can see his muscles through his uniform, Will is very nice and easy to talk to. Well, he comes by a lot to my work, and he doesn't come by to rally messages from the info booth. He comes to say hi, and chat for a little while. Whenever I have a problem at the store and call security, he's usually the one to come by. He even was outside the store once to help me pull down the gate. Well, I work with his mom, and every time he comes by, he acts like he's looking for her. But I don't really believe him. Sometimes I think he's there just to see me. He's even given me a nick name: "Lil' Girlie." So I've probably made it clear that there's a clear attraction between us. Well, here's the problem(s): I'm seeing someone. I've seen him for over a year now and although we've had trouble in the past month or so, I'm still in love him and I don't want to lose him. I can honestly say that he is the best thing that is happening to me and he makes me feel like I'm the best thing in the world. Will is married and is expecting a child soon. I know that he is just as happy with his wife as I am with my boyfriend, but I can't help but think that we are on the verge of adultery. I'll be honest, as much as I love my boyfriend, whenever I see Will, I can't help but think that if he came on to me for sex, I would not stop him. Oh, and I shouldn't leave out the fact that I'm 18 and he's 25. That's not a huge deal compared to the other things, but it's something. If it weren't for my boyfriend and Will's wife and upcoming child, don't you think that we would have something great going? I've come to a couple conclusions: Will and I are just physically and sexually attracted to each other, and since we're both obviously really happy with what we already have, we could still hang out and not worry about our sexual attraction getting in the way of our heads. Another thought I had was that maybe our sexual attraction, although small now, can and will build up and I should try to avoid him. Please don't tell me to avoid him. He's a nice guy. Maybe I could babysit for him... just kidding. What should I do about this?
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Sorry, I didn't mean to make light of your situation. In all seriousness, don't come between a man and his wife. It is an evil act that will come back to haunt you. You will reap what you sow. Wrong you do today, will be wrong you receive tomorrow. Watch your step very carefully, you may be treading on thin ice. In love ... Joe


ha ha, that's funny
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