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What do to, if to do anything?!

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background info:


bewteen our friends (the girl and i hang around the same ppl) this girl and i are the oldest (27 and 25), my best friend dates her best friend and they no longer talk to us, she is divorced, and i'm about to be divorced after the paperwork is finalized.


This is my situation:


How can you tell if a girl likes you? How can you tell when she likes you mearly as a frined? This one female friend of mine, that ive noticed glancing at me from time to time, always with a smile on her face... if our eyes locked she dosnt blink, she will hold her eyes on me. The thing is this girl is extremly friendly, so i'm not sure where her smile comes from... out of a friendship or if it is flirting.


I called her once to talk about a mutal friend, and she kept me on the phone for over an hour when the converstation should have taken 2 minuets, talking about personal subjects and so forth. I started wearing my glasses again, then all of a sudden she has hers on from time to time. During a halloween party i took a picture with a girl on my lap, and when i looked over at her she was taking a pictire with a guy almost on his lap. Maybe these small gestures are nothing, and im looking into this situation too hard.. but i dont know. We tease each other a lot, always on a friendly basis (we wouldnt hurt anyone's feelings). She laughs at most of my jokes, or tell everyone when i make a joke about her to get other ppl to laugh. As far as general treatment, she treats me the same as she treats anyone of our friends...


Then a lot of times i dont think anything is there between us. For example, its always me who starts a conversation via text. And most of the time, they go nowhere. i would think if someone was interested, they would want to talk about anything or keep a converation going. Whereas, with ppl i know she is not as close to she would keep a converstion going via text. there are times when we are around our mutal friends that we dont notice each other ( i mean we see each other, but that glancing over and locking eyes thing dosnt happen, well sometimes it does).


We never hang out alone because we are always surrounded by family or frineds. i offered to help her with some school work to get her alone for some time ( i wanted to see if i could distinguish flirting from friendlyness) she accpted the help and took me up on my offer.. but she never came forward to ask (so when are we gonna start working) i know she is very busy at work this time of yr, so i think that has something to do with it. At the same time, if you like someone you find time right?


So, i dont know if anything is there, she is friendly with everyone so that leaves me to beleive, those gestures were mearly acts of kindness or her being friendly. But, at the same time i really dont know if anything is there between us... any idea on how to tell if she is interested? am i missing anything? maybe im looking too hard into this, and getting the wrong ideas... i just dont know. Any help would be appreciated.

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