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I have, over the past few months, developed a close friendship with a guy that works for the same company (but not in my department so we rarely deal with each other professionally). Let me also say that there is no company rule about dating a co-worker. I get the feeling by his actions that he feels more than friendship and I feel the same way, but he has yet to ask me out.



Let me start out by saying that he started pursuing me and he would touch my arm, shoulder and back alot. He has given me very emotional hugs where he pressed his cheek to mine. He has also shared a lot of personal stuff with me.


Once I said my hands were cold and he took my hand and warmed it up and caressed it. Recently I have been returning the touches and have been hinting that I'm interested. He has gotten nervous sometimes and almost panicky, but still comes around. Is this a sign that he's sexually attracted to me? Can just being around me and warming my hand turn him on that much?


I don't know if he's waiting for me to make the first move. He went through a painful divorce several years ago and still blames himself for it. He has only had one other serious relationship since the divorce and he broke it off. I get the feeling that although he's attracted to me he's not ready for a relationship. How long do I wait for him before saying how I feel?


Any comments would be helpful.

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I agree with you that it doesn't sound like he's ready for a long term relationship. However, I think you should tell him how you feel at your earliest opportunity. If he doesn't give you any encouragement, you need to know to move on rather than wasting your time on something that is never going to happen.

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He may be suffering from some sort of depression and that's why he is blaming himself for the whole divorce. I think you should tell him how you feel and let him make the move from there. Just let him know your feelings and see what he does. It can't hurt to let him know that with all that has been done so far.

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