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How do I breathe?

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How do I breathe?

How do I control these feelings I have inside?

where do I put the rage, the remorse?

what do I say, is it the end?

Why do I feel sick at the thought of your name?

why do my insides wanna come up when I sit alone thinking of you?

what happened to all those good memories, why are they replaced by hurt?

Is this all in my head, am I crazy

Am I treading water, spinning my wheels, chasing a shadow

I am so lonely confused without a friend to turn to, why would my best friend betray me

what am I to do, how can I breathe knowing each breathe continues to hurt?

Thoughts run away with images, I used to cry because I was happy

I cry unprovoked over a immanent death

your eyes so big and beautiful once

so cold and dark now,I havn't layed on your chest to hear your heart in forever, does it still beat?

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