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Company Xmas parties

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1) Is the whole no-significant-others thing common nowadays for company parties?


Guess it depends on the type of company it is and how they budget their money...


2) For those whose spouse works at such a company, does it bother you? Specifically, by placing your partner in a festive environment with alcohol, dancing, and dressed-up members of the opposite sex, do you feel that your partner's employer is disrespecting you and the other employees' spouses in some way?


Nope, it wouldn't bother me one bit. My H and I used to work together, so we know all the same people. In the past, I went to our company Xmas party and he didn't feel up to going, was feeling sick. He had NO problem with me going and last year he went and I didn't.


It comes down to trusting the person you love and knowing that they won't do something stupid. Well, stupid in the sense of hooking up with someone else.


Without getting too far into it, this is an issue between my SO and me, hence the questions. I have no intention of doing anything I shouldn't do. But she feels very threatened by this, and disrespected. Are her feelings understandable to others in a similar situation?


This isn't your fault and this is just the company policy. I hope she trusts you by now and knows that you wouldn't cheat on her..I mean, she is aware of your past hurt, right?


You could compromise and go for afew hours. Or tell her you won't drink much, if that is a concern of hers too.

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I had this very issue arise with my bf and his company. They do allow SO's at the holiday party, but have a few other company parties throughout the year, and no SO's aloud, including a big open bar dance party in a club in the city. I do not ask him not to go, but I do think it is very messed up.


if cost is the issue, why not say, "employees free. guests cost X dollars?" If its about bonding, i don't get that either. "I want you to bond more with the people you already spend awake hours with then your SO. So don't bring the most important person in your life to meet them. b/c getting to know your SO, is not part of bonding." i don't buy it.


I don't have a trust issue, and I do think it is beneficial to his career to attend, so I wouldn't suggest he not go. But it does make me feel negative about his company.

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I would feel a little disrespected if my company or my bf's had a no SO Holiday party, I would also feel like it was anti-family. My bf works for a pretty large Co. and it is very inclusive of friends and family for Halloween, 4th of July and Christmas parties. They do have employee only functions once in a while but that's due to company specific reasons.

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