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I contacted his exgf and caught his lies!

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That he didn't mention you to her (and you're not a newbie relationship) the past year he was in contact with her is crazy!


I don't know what it means, I just know that is not right and is crazy making behavior.


Since you chose to stay with him, you need to tell him that trust and honesty is important, and you can't tolerate the negative effects it has on you. Let him know you are forgiving him this one time, that you still deserve a good explanation so you can move on-but that it can't happen again.


If it does happen again-I would advise leaving and never looking back. Good luck-let us know how it goes!

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LKPJ-that's awful! Did the other girl know about you? And what did he hope to gain by playing with of you?



The other GF had been dating him for 5 years. Him and I had been together for 9 months. Both of us thought there was something going on the whole time, but didn't know what to make or do of it. We both found out for sure when she came to his apt. door one day while I was there. He begged us both back. I was the idiot who went back only to find out he continued to beg her back for the whole next month. I contacted her and found everything that went down.

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Holy crap- just caught up with this thread now.


What a jerk!!!!

He's actually been seeing both of you??

And is he dumb to continue trying to seduce you both knowing you guys have contact?



Not getting back with him right?


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LKPJ- that's a tough one to take. I can't believe he got caught with you there and still tried to go back to it! Sorry that you went through that.


Florida - I am having trouble knowing that he wouldn't tell her about me. Told him that it was a clear sign that I'm "not the ONE for him" because he shouldn't have any reservations about announcing me in his life. He just said I'm a drama queen.


We had the talk: not do it again, etc. but I still have an uneasiness in my stomach. Quite honestly, if it weren't for the holidays, I'm not sure it would be playing out this way.


Last night he went out near another exgf's house and "ran into someone". I found myself asking 20 ?'s to find out if it was her. Makes me feel crazy, and I know that I/we can't continue like that. :(

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We had another talk. He's been drinking, so his words came rather freely:


He claims that he's a jerk and can't do anything right. (and no matter what he does it will never be good enough for me; providing the example that he told me she texted "soulmate" but I had to keep digging to find something wrong. Followed by "So I texted her Happy Thanksgiving. Big F Deal!") He also stated he's waited 3 years for me, and now he is lonely. I asked him what he meant by all that and he told me to "go call exgf because she'll tell me. Especially since I won't believe him anyways."


So why is he calling himself a jerk? Is there possibly more?

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