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Red bumps on the back of my arms

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What are these little zit like things and how do i get rid of them? From far away you can't see texture...it looks like a rash. Close up, they are small teeny zits. Any oothers have this. What to do?

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How long have they been there? Do they itch? Have you tried any acne creams on them?


Try washing your arms with unscented soap for the a few days, if they itch or they don't get better with washing with unscented soap I would see a doctor.

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I used to have them, and they were worse in winter when my arms were all covered up all the time.


they are really really common- lots of people have them. Use a good exfoliant and moisturiser.

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Mustang Sally

I agree with SB.

Sounds like Keratosis Pilaris.


Google it.


What SB suggests is the best approach.

Exfoliate and moisturize.


Of course, it goes without saying that if the condition persists or worsens, you should see your regular doctor for a thorough evaluation....


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